chapter 78

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Tech was at his computer with Simon securely on his lap and he was going to track down the time and coordinates for the wormhole.

"According to my algebra, it'll open in exactly seven and a half minutes," he told the others. "This will ensure how long you have."

Simon handed a device to Ace.

"Tech, you, Estelle, Felicity, Simon, and Lexi keep monitoring the situation," Ace commanded. "Everyone else, it's time to jet!"

"Yes, sir." Akito saluted.

A door opened at the tower top and they all ran over to their carts.

"Say," Duck noticed Deuce had come in then. "What's Mr. Popular doing here? You've been eavesdropping about that train!"

"No," Deuce smiled innocently. "I heard about the Quasar Train, thought about bringing it back so I can earn Zadavia's trust again."

Duck blabbed, mocking him. "Yeah, another sob story! Look, the world's smallest violin!" he then pretended to play an imaginary violin to 'closed caption' his pain.

Akito closed Duck's beak, not wanting to hear anything anymore negative towards Deuce.

Ace decided to try to help. "So, uhh,... You always give up so easily?"

Duck glared at both Akito and Ace.

"Guys, he saved our lives," Ace reminded. "Everyone deserves a second chance. Duck, you should know that better than anyone."

"Yeah, we should give Deuce a second chance." Akito said.

Duck folded his arms, he went to his cart and got ready to go. Ace sighed and pushed his button to start them up so they could go for the train and literally catch it. They then bolted off and patrolled the skies to look for the wormhole and the train.

"Alright, this train shouldn't be too hard to find." Atticus said.

They were close to the road, even with Deuce and saw a glowing blue light.

"Looks like our train is right on time!" Deuce said to his possible new friends.

"Let's catch a ride." Ace said as he stood up from his seat and hopped onto the end of the train.

Deuce then did the same to join him. Akito did the same to join the both of them. Once Rev, Duck, and Slam were secure, they went ahead as well.

"We gotta work and fast!" Akito told them as he held the device. "We gotta stop this thing before the wormhole closes again!"

"Couldn't have said it better myself." Ace agreed.

Duck and Slam went to check the cart while Akito, Ace and Rev would go up front.

"In we go." Slam said.

As soon as the doors closed and they walked in, Ophiuchus Sam had returned.

"Duck, did you ever get the feeling we were about to be attacked?" Slam asked in his language.

"Never mind that, we gotta look for the emergency cord," Duck told him, then looked around the room they were in. "Let's see... Where's the cord? Where's the cord?" he then finally found it. "There it is!" he then grabbed it, but he gasped and jumped back.

There was a heat blast against the door and it opened to reveal Ophiuchus Sam.

"Don't you say a word..." Duck glared at the Tasmanian devil.

Slam just whistled innocently and made it look like he had zipped his mouth shut.

"Now I got ya right where I want ya!" Sam smiled evilly once he took out his gun and rode his robot animal.

"Slam, do something!" Duck cried in worry.

"Say adios to Acmetropolis!" Sam shot a large cargo box Slam carried over his head and Duck teleported behind him. "And say hello to obliv... Obilil... Eh, whatever it's called..." he then started to shoot at them.

"Oh, sure, go hide behind me." Slam groaned towards Duck.

They both then tried to dodge as Sam took out an extra gun and shot them twice as much, scaring them both.

"Oh, hold still, you confounded bird!" Sam snapped at Duck. He tried to jump in after them, but the door shut on him and made him slam against the wall.

"Sorry," Deuce showed up with a smirk. "But Duck can't come out and play until he finishes his homework."

Duck rushed to him, feeling thankful. "Thanks, Deuce... My hero."

"Thanks, Deuce, you saved our skins." Slam said.

Deuce smiled to them, looking a little cocky though, but Slam and Duck were just thankful for his bravery.

Rev sped up to one car of the train, looking around, unaware that Sam was right behind him now.

Sam grinned evilly and took out a large gun to shoot at him. "Aha, I gotcha!" But to his surprise, Rev had vanished in thin air! "What? No way that dingdong feather duster got away!"

"Who are you talking about?" Rev asked, appearing behind Sam.

Sam was surprised and turned to see Rev, very frustrated with how quick he was. "Hey, you look awfully familiar..." he then took out his weapon to the roadrunner. "Say sayonara, beak breath!"

Deuce then suddenly came into the scene, he punched Sam's weapon away and kicked Sam clear across the stomach, making him fall, but not completely off the train just yet. Ace saw Sam coming and gave him a swift kick back.

"Have a nice fall, Sam!" Akito called out.

"Nice work, Deuce." Ace smiled with a thumb's up.

"Nice assist, Ace." Deuce smiled back, doing the same.

"Gee, Deuce, Ace was sure right about you, though we don't know anything about you..." Rev spoke quickly as usual.

"That was really cool, Deuce." Akito smiled to his new friend.

Deuce smiled back at him and where it was cocky, but of course, wasn't noticeable. He then went off again for his next assignment.

"I like that guy." Ace smiled.

"Yeah..." Akito smiled too, but he felt something odd and held his stomach. "Ooh..."

"You okay, kiddo?" Rev asked.

"Yeah, I feel fine, but... I feel weird in my stomach for some reason..." Akito shrugged.

"Was it something ya ate?" Ace asked in concern.

"No, no, I'm sure it was nothing." Akito said.

Rev had a long winded explanation, but Akito and Ace ignored it a little. The train was now getting closer and closer to the wormhole.

"This isn't lookin' good, Rev!" Ace whimpered. "We gotta bolt, we have a few seconds before the wormhole closes! Akito, we're gonna jump, be very careful."

"I will." Akito said to him, trying to ignore his stomach.

"Alright, here we go... One, two, three, jump!" Ace called out before jumping off.

They jumped together and landed safely just as the train made it back into the wormhole. Ace, Rev, and Akito found Deuce next to a dumpster and rushed to him.

"Deuce, have you seen Duck and Slam?" Akito asked.

"I tried saving them, but it was too late!" Duece cried. "They've entered the time-space continuum!"

"Oh, no, this is terrible!" Akito exclaimed.

"They could be anywhere at any time." Ace muttered sadly.

"How are we going to be able to find them?" Akito asked.

"I'm sure Tech has a tracking device on 'em or somethin'." Ace suggested.

"Yeah, you're right, besides, that coyote is practically prepared for anything." Akito said.

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