chapter 139

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Meanwhile, in a secret hideout...

The keyboardist was draining the energy from Zadavia.

"My energy..." Zadavia muttered.

"It's going... Going... Gone!" the keyboardist smirked as he collected the energy in the cosmic guitar.

Forte was hiding in a corner with a deep frown. "I am so sorry..." he whispered.

"Oh, don't be sorry, Uncle." Vincent smirked evilly.

Forte glance to him and bowed his head in shame and felt punishment.

"Maestro Forte?" Captain Planet looked over.

Forte looked even more miserable when he saw that Captain Planet was trapped and being drained too.

"Thanks to my techno-wacko musical genius with the help of a real musical villain, I'll drain your power to my cosmic guitar!" the keyboardist glared to the alien woman.

"But... Why...?" Zadavia asked the keyboardist as he was the one making her miserable.

"Yes, what has she ever done to you?" Captain Planet added.

"She never paid any attention to me back on Freleng," the keyboardist explained. "But maybe you'll pay attention to me now, Zaddy!"

"Rupes Oberon?" Zadavia asked.

"Someone you know from Freleng?" Captain Planet asked.

"Unfortunately..." Zadavia pouted.

Rupes chuckled. "So you do remember."

"You were always so busy with your Fleet," Rupes replied. "Always solving global galaxy issues! All I wanted was to become a member of your court and serve you. I even broguht you a present... I wanted it to be Freleng's new national anthem, so I could be remembered forever! But you ignored me and my music!"

"But Rupes," Zadavia spoke up. "We already have a national anthem... That had words."

"Wait, that's the reason why you want to get revenge on her?!" Vincent glared. "That is totally ridiculous and if they did already have a national anthem, then get over it already!"

"I have to agree, that makes my former plan during the enchantment seem grown up..." Forte agreed.

"MINE WAS BETTER!" Rubes snarled, then blasted his keyboard again to drain Zadavia even more.

"Leave her alone!" Captain Planet told him.

"I don't think so," Rupes smiled evilly. "Now I have the power... Her power... Now things are gonna be different! People are gonna know who I am!" he then used his new combined powers to bring the band back to life.

"So then, why did you kidnap Captain Planet?" Forte asked.

"Little helper wanted a helping hand..." Rupes put his arm around Vincent who was there.

"I still think your plan's kinda stupid," Vincent looked up at him. "At least Captain Pollution is Uncle Planet's arch nemesis..."

"I agree, his plan at least makes sense." Forte said, referring to Captain Pollution.

"Thank you!" Vincent sounded relieved and relaxed then.

"Oh, babes, it's all the big man's plan to stand up and have the whole universe notice him!" Bootes smiled simply. "Just like they notice me, papas!"

"Shut your mouth or I swear I will kill you with every powers I have." Vincent threatened.

Forte sighed sharply himself.

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