chapter 34

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Fluttershy zipped with the other pegasi who looked very angry and determined. Even Fluttershy herself looked aggressive and was a lot more assertive than she used to be due to her self-defense lessons with Discord teaching her a whole lot better than Iron Will did that made her into a horrible pony to everyone she knew.

"Alright, ponies, let's do this!" Fluttershy said, assertively.

The other pegasi actually agreed with her and they formed a swarm as the Loonatics hovered closer and closer to the moon.

Tech was now checking of how heavy he weighed. "According to this, I weigh 1,268 pounds," he sounded impressed. "Fascinating!"

"Real interesting, Tech," Ace scoffed. "But can ya make us heavier!?"

"That is, without making us bloated?" Lexi added.

"And do it before we run out of air breathe!" Vincent finished.

"Yeah and sometime today, please!" Estelle screamed.

The pegasi came closer and closer to their rescue.

"Look, here comes the pegasi!" Akito cheered.

"Oh, that's good," Duck groaned as he was with Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo. "Hope you don't mind us lying here and doing nothing."

"What's in that thing?" Scootaloo asked when she saw the food cart.

Rainbow Dash tried to take a look, struggling through as they were sealed to the ground. "Ugh... My wings haven't hurt this bad since I was stuck in the hospital... The only good that came outta that was reading Daring Do!"

Scootaloo hid a wink to the imaginary audience as she said that.

Duck tried to take a look. "Oh, that must be where Tech's invention must be in," he guessed. He still struggled, then remembered something. "Hang on, I have an idea! Guys, grab onto me if you can!"

Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash put their front hooves onto him.

Duck then squeezed his eyes shut and teleported the three of them out of the ground and into a ship. "Oh yeah, the duck has landed!" he cheered for himself before falling into a chair.

Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash floated and hugged each other as they were now free too.

"Uh, guys, a little help?" Duck asked.

Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo helped him up. Duck was about to start the ship, but it didn't have any fuel left in it.

"That's where we come in," Rainbow Dash smiled. "Scootaloo, make me proud!"

Scootaloo looked determined, she then flapped her wings successfully and flew with Rainbow Dash, carrying Duck with their Pegasus Wing Power that they were called for. The Loonatics were nearly out of the Earth's atmosphere and the pegasi were very close to coming to their rescue. Estelle began to pray with all her might as hers, Akito's, and Vincent's hands started to glimmer.

"Do you guys know what you're doing?" Duck asked the pegasi.

"I didn't spend my life idolizing the Wonderbolts for nuthin'!" Rainbow Dash glanced to him.

"The wonder what?" Duck asked.

"Ugh... Never mind..." Rainbow Dash groaned.

Fluttershy led the other pegasi to the Loonatics. "We're almost there!" she said.

"Join hands!" one pegasus told them.

The Loonatics did as they said. This made Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo catch up with Duck and the pegasi spun around the Loonatics in a hold and carried them back to Earth.

"Yay, we're saved!" Estelle cheered.

"Okay, everypony, back to Earth so they can beat Massive!" Rainbow Dash called to the others as they flew the Loonatics back down to finish their mission.

"Yes, ma'am!" The pegasi saluted.

"One of you get that cart for me," Tech told the pegasi. "I need something in there!"

"I'll get it!" Scootaloo volunteered before zipping off with her own Sonic Rainboom.

"Thanks." Tech said.

Scootaloo grabbed the weapon in her hooves and gave it right back to its rightful owner.

"Come to papa." Tech chuckled, he then clicked the button on it and turned the anti-gravity off him and the other Loonatics.

"Tech, your gyro works!" Felicity cheered for the coyote.

"Yeah, but it's Massive two and good guys zero." Lexi sounded disappointed with their performance in this mission.

"How are we going to be able to stop him?" Estelle asked.

"Well, we know all his powers are give and take," Ace tried to think of a solution. "Something lighter or heavier than vice versa... If only we could figure out how to use that against him."

"Got that right, it's about time we show our way to him." Lexi gave a nod.

Akito and Estelle tried to think from what they knew, they were technically only in second grade, but they were wise beyond their years like both their parents and even read at a fifth grade level.

"Wait a minute, he's one-upping himself." Estelle said.

"All this chasing is gonna make us late for the Basherball Drome," Duck whined. "And I wanna see who's gonna win this year's trophy!"

"No doubt that it will be all over the news." Felicity spoke up.

"You got a point," Ace saw where this was heading. "And I bet that trophy's pretty expensive."

"Yeah and I bet that Mr. Big-Shot himself AKA Massive won't be able to resist to steal it." Akito said.

"You could go there and bust that big dumb Massive guy." Rainbow Dash suggested.

"Yeah." Scootaloo agreed.

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