chapter 27

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"We're doomed!" Duck cried out. "Doomed!"

"Think positive!" Vincent encouraged.

Tech gave a calm command to Rev. Felicity and Duck held each other, Felicity was very sick about this whole mission while Duck was just worried. The ship kept spinning and spinning, coming back to Earth and was about to crash into some buildings.

"We're almost about to crash!" Estelle screamed.

Rev and Tech were able to work out a system and made the ship hover above the ground and return into the sky.

"Okay, we're up from here on out." Tech told the others once they didn't crash.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I hope this is a good move and not just a bad move." Duck folded his arms, glaring to the coyote.

"If we get by the asteroid belt, we will see our target." Tech commented once they were back in outer space.

"Yeah." Akito agreed.

"As long as it don't see us first." Ace replied.

The ship seemed to attract rocks and they came to hit them, worrying the Loonatics even more.

"You wanna recheck those numbers?" Vincent mumbled to Rev.

"I do not feel so good..." Felicity looked sicker than usual now with the projectiles hitting against them.

"Maybe one of us should have brought you a barf bag." Estelle said.

"Someone wanna tell me why those rocks are using us as a punching bag!?" Duck grew frantic from the impacts.

"Everyone, into your inter-cosmic spacesuits." Tech commanded.

"Do we get our choice at colors?" Lexi asked, being a girl and all.

"Well, no, but I think you're gonna like it," Tech shrugged, unhooking himself. He then stood up and was changed into his suit in a flash. "Viola!"

"Cool." the Fudo siblings said.

They all then were changed into their new full body spacesuits so they could stop the meteor strike.

"Wait a sec," Ace just now noticed something missing. "Where's Slam?"

Lexi chuckled once she took a look at the outside camera. "He's already outside."

Slam was outside, having made one of the rocks into a bat and started to hit the meteors like they were baseballs.

"I haven't seen him have this much fun since his old days in the wrestling ring." Lexi smiled.

"Slam was a wrestler?" The twins asked.

"Yeah, one of the best." Lexi smiled to them.

"Head's up, Slam!" Akito called.

But it was too late, one of the rocks had hit Slam and blown him off course. Akito flew out the door to go and help Slam. Slam was spiraling until Akito came to his rescue.

"Let's get you back in the ship." Akito smiled to Slam and came back with him so they could stop the meteor in time.

"The meteor's straight ahead." Estelle saw from her screen.

There was a huge, crooked and sharp asteroid above that passed them, making them face aftershock while Tech calculated their destruction equations to destroy the trajectory.

"Tech, are you sure we can destroy that thing?" Duck asked.

"Yes," Tech smiled once he showed them a periscope he invented. "We're ensure that the destruction for Acmetropolis, but I designed this device which can amplify Acme's laser with a full factor of, you guessed it, Google."

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