Not So Bad After All...

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Hiro's POV

Aunt Cass took us in. We shared a room with a divider. And even helped out in her café. The gang came over most of time and we had a lot of fun together.

We were hanging out one day, and I stared intensely at Tadashi. He looked over and we made eye contact multiple times. He started to get freaked out, whenever he would ask what it was I would turn away.

He got really upset and he went home. "Hirro. What did he do?" Honey Lemon asked, "He didn't do anything I was just looking at him." I replied, "With all that staring you could have melted his face." Gogo chuckled, and we all had a quick laugh.

We finished our outing with some ice cream and I made my way home, but when I got close to the shop I was pulled into an alley. And guess what it was those same bullies from a few years ago. I swear did they not learn their lesson?

They seemed to have gained a bit more muscle. You know what that meant, yep worse beatings. But they only through a few punches before I heard the click of a gun. Guess who it was? Don't worry I have time.

It was Tadashi, he pointed the gun right at the leader's head. "I'll kill you, I swear to God I'll kill you and won't lose a wink of sleep." He got closer and had the gun at the leader's side, "Apologize now!"

They got on their knees and begged for mercy. I looked up and I swear I saw a smile on Tadashi's face. He was definitely holding in a laugh.

"Enough! I shouldn't even give you guys a chance to live. Two years and you still haven't learned." Tears were streaming crazily down their faces and boy it was ugly.

He pulled the trigger but what came out was a marshmallow. They looked up and Tadashi was in tears laughing, "The look on your faces! Classic!" He then gave an ice cold look. "Get lost. I don't have time to fight with you guys." They scurried away tripping on each other.

I looked at Tadashi and he smiled down at me. I just stared at him and he finally snapped, "What is it Hiro!" "Calm down big guy. I was just thinking that meeting you was not that bad." I smiled and walked out the alley way.

He joined me smiling as we walked into the café. Aunt Cass hugged us and treated my wounds.

Yeah maybe I don't have a happily every after but, I might still a knight in shining screws and gears. Meeting Tadashi was definitely, Not so bad after all.

I'm done!!!! I know damn well this ending is crappy! But I'm still not home so I was very distracted!

I really hope you enjoyed my story! And if I get a whole lot of complaints I promise you guys there will be more!

Hiro: I don't know Kimberly that ending was pretty bad.

Me: *crys in a corner* I know that!

Tadashi: Cut her some slack Hiro!

Me: Thank you Dashi!

Gogo: I have to agree with Hiri sorry Kim. There was no smut.

Me: Gogo! I can't do smut (-////-)

Wassabi: Gogo you need to relax.

Gogo: Shut up!

Fred: Come on guys you're making this longer than it needs to be.

Honey L: Wow Freddie that was really mature of you.

Fred: *gets distracted by a butterfly* Butterflies are evil! Spongebob proved it! *starts moving in karate stances*

Honey L: And he's back.

Me: Gosh you guys talk too much.

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Not So Bad After All (Hidashi/Tadahiro)Where stories live. Discover now