A few Months Later

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Your P.O.V

It's been a couple of months since everything happened and ever since those months has passed I've never felt or been the same. I'm still living with Shinra and Celty and to be honest it feels like I'm invading their living space. I sigh to myself

"I really need to get a job. Maybe that'll get stuff out of my mind." I said to myself. "I guess I'll find one today." I said getting my lazy butt up from my bed.

A few minutes later

I walked around trying to find a job to hold me over for now the only place I know really well is the Russian sushi place....I guess I'll check if their hiring. I walked in the restaurant and saw Simon doing his thing. I walked over to him he saw me and a huge smile spread across his face "

Well hello there Ms.(Y/N) how have you been?" He asked.

I smiled "I've been good. How about you?"

"I've been pretty busy...Hey have you heard from Izaya?" He asked.

I looked down and shook my head. "Oh." He said. There was an awkward silence between us both until he decided to break it

"So what brings you here?" He asked

"I was wondering if you were hiring?" He shook his head and looked down at me

"No not at this time but I know some people who are if you're interested." He said brightly

"No thank you Simon but thanks for offering." I said walking out of the restaurant.

I walked back to the apartment trying to think about other jobs but nothing came to mind. I opened the door to the apartment room and heard talking I know it's not Shinra's voice. I walked into the living area and saw Shizuo. He got up from the couch and hugged me

SHIZUO!! I squealed

"(Y/N) how have you been?" He asked.

"I've been good. How about you?" I asked letting him go.

"I've been good but I'm better now that I'm back." He said ruffling my (H/C) hair.

For the rest of the day we all sat together in the living room talking like a family it felt like Shizuo is a lot more relaxed then he was before... I guess prison does change a person

Back at prison Izaya's P.O.V

It's pretty empty without Shizu-chan. I can't believe I'm still in this stupid cell for god sakes I'm a human being not an animal. I was lying down facing the ceiling and sighed.

"Why can't I get out already." I said to myself.

I miss roaming the streets I miss the human activity that goes around the city and I especially miss (Y/N). I wonder how she's doing. I wonder if she's alright I hope she's not hurt I hope that she's safe..... Wait......... why am I so worried about her she's just another human like every one else. My thoughts were interrupted by a police officer banging on my cell saying they had important news which suprised me. I stood up and followed the officer.

"What's the good news officer?" I asked looking at him.

The officer looked at me and sighed "You're getting bailed out." He said in a cold tone.

I looked at him surprised "Really..I'm getting bailed out?" I asked in disbelief.

The officer looked at me and rolled his eyes "That's what I said. Here you go." He said shoving my clothes into my hands. I walked towards the lobby and saw Simon sitting on one of the chairs waiting.

"Simon?" I asked confused "What are you doing here?"

He looked at me with a serious "I'm here to bail you out." He smiled I looked at him confused "Where did you get the money" I asked. He chuckled "I have people."

The next day Your P.O.V

Shizuo and I decided to take a walk since I haven't seen him in awhile. It was awkward at first but we ended up talking about the most stupidest things ever....Just like the old days.

"So hows everything been?" Shizuo asked looking at me

"Everythings been fine." I said smiling "How was prison it must've been pretty rough." I said

"No not really it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be except for the food." He said chuckling.

"So did your bunk mate treat you well?" I asked looking at him "He didn't do anything to you now did he?" I asked giggling

He rolled his eyes playfully "No he was annoying at first but I got used to him." He said smiling. I looked at him "Who was it?" I asked. He looked at me "My bunk mate was Izaya." He said.

I looked at him "Really..." I said. He just stayed quiet. We walked in silence I stopped and he looked back at me "What's wrong what are you staring at?" He asked. "It's Izaya." I said "We need to go home now....' I said walking in the direction our apartment was.

YAY!! I FINALLY UPDATED....Anyways sorry for the long update I had really bad writers block also I highly recommend listening to that song above it's so freakin amazing I hope I update a lot more sooner next time until then BYE~ :)

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