The Raven Haired Informant

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Your P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I yawned and got up out of bed. I walked past my mirror and looked at it my (H/L)

(H/C) locks were tangled up and I had morning breath so I decided to get ready for the day. Ince I got out of the shower I picked out a (F/C) sweater with black jeggings and I left my hair down. I walked out of my room into the living room where Shizuo was smoking a cigarette. I looked at him with a confused look "So where's breakfast?" I asked curiously. All he did was look at me and said "I was supposed to make that." I sighed and shook my head "I'll just go eat at that Russian Sushi place I saw last night." I said while getting my (F/C) phone and wallet. Shizuo looked at me and said "Whatever you do don't run into that flea." I nodded and headed out

Shizou's P.O.V

So where's breakfast (F/N) asked me I juat looked at her and say I was supposed to make that. All she did was shook her head and said she was going to the Russian Sushi place. But I remembered that flea goes there. "Make sure you don't run into that flea." All she did was nod and left I don't trust her so I'm going with her.

Izaya P.O.V

I was walking the boring streets of Ikebukuro until I saw that girl Shizu-chan told me not to kill I stared at her for awhile until I saw Shizu-chan run up to her I smirked at the sight. "Finally some fun." I said to myself and walked towards Shizuo. "Oh~Shizu~chan"

Shizuo's P.O.V

Once I caught up with (F/N) I heard that damn fleas voice. I pushed (F/N) behind me. I turned around to see a knife get thrown at me but I caught it with my teeth and broke it to pieces. All that flea did was laugh. "So I see Shizu-chan has a girlfriend." That damn flea. "She's not my girlfriend." I said coldly.  He smirked that smirk that makes me want to punch him in the face. "Oh well who is she." Why don't you mind your damn business. All of the sudden I felt (F/N) push me out of the way. "What are you hiding me from Shizuo?" (F/N) asked. Damn it she's in trouble.

Your P.O.V

I pushed Shizuo out of the way "What are you hiding me from Shizuo?" I asked. But once I looked forward I saw that guy from last night the guy who held the knife to my neck he smirked at me. "Well since Shizu-chan is being mean to me why don't you introduce yourself." he said slyly. I smiled my name is (F/N) Heiwajima Shizuo's little sister. I said holding my hand out for him to shake it. He smirked "My name is Izaya Orihara and I'm a informant and the leader of a gang called the dollars." He took my hand and did something that probably pissed off my brother.

Shizuo P.O.V

That damn flea kissed my sister's hand. I pushed him away and grabbed (F/N) by the wrist and dragged her to the house but I felt her jerk away. She looked mad "What was that for?" She asked sternly. I looked at her "HE KISSED YOU ON THE HAND!" "So what he was just being nice." She rolled her eye's "You get mad over little things." I looked at her "NO I DON'T." "Yes you do." she said irritated. I looked at her "DON'T GIVE ME ATTITUDE!" I didn't know what I was doing because all of the sudden I threw a Soda machine at (F/N) luckily she dodged it but she was sitting on the ground shaking. "(F-F/N) I'm so sorry."  I tried picking her up but she slapped me in the face and ran off.

Your P.O.V

I can't believe he tried to hurt me. I ran away crying. I went back to the apartment and started packing my stuff. I heard someone knocking on my door. Once I packed up all my stuff I opened my window and jumped out of it luckily I landed on both of my feet. I ran away as far as I could. I stopped in a alley way but with my luck there was a gang the had yellow hat's and scarves. One of them pushed me against the cold hard brick wall. "What are you doing here hot stuff." His face was dangerously close to mine. "It's none of your business." I said coldly. The guy scoffed and pulled out a knife "I wouldn't speak to me like that if I were you." He said pushing the neck against my neck making small cut that bleed a little. I tried pushing him off but he stabbed me in the stomach and kicked me. He got on top of me and held the knife against my chest. "You better say your goodbyes." My vision was getting blurry and I could barely see anything. All I heard was screaming and snapping and that's when I faded.

Izaya P.O.V

I was sitting on a building roof looking down at a alley way where I heard a girl sobbing and a man telling her stuff. I got a closer look to see it was Shizu-chans little sister. At first I was going to leave but then I remembered Shizu-chan said not to kill her so if I left her it would be like killing her and she is also a special type of human she can be my queen and Shizu-chan can be a pawn of mine. I smirked to myself at the thought but I saw that she got stabbed and kicked in the stomach so I decided to save her. I got out my knives and threw all of them at his back which he screamed in pain meaning he was distracted and I decided jump down from the building. I landed behind the guy and broke his arm and craked his neck. He fell to the ground dead. I saw that (F/N-chan) was in bad condition kind of. I picked her up bridal style and took her to my apartment where I bandaged her stomach and layed her down on the couch. I looked at her "Shizu-chan wouldn't be very pleased." I smirked and walked to my bedroom and got ready for bed and fell asleep.

Shizuo P.O.V

I couldn't find (F/N) anywhere all I could think was the bad things that happen in Ikebukuro to young women and girls. I searched again but couldn't find her. I decided to give up and went home. I couldn't fall asleep I kept tossing and turning thinking about (F/N) and where she could be. I thought harder and that flea popped up in my mind. "No she can't be there I told her not to trust him I know she isn't there with him."

Your P.O.V

I woke up in a different looking room. I sat up and felt a sharp pain in my stomach and winced at the pain and grabbed my stomach. I looked around to see if anyone was around but I couldn't find anyone. I looked around again and saw a man sitting at a desk well not even sitting he was spinning in it and saying how much he loved humans. I guess he noticed me staring and stopped spinning. He smirked "You like what you see." he said winking. I felt a slight blush across my face "N-No I just w-wanted to know where I-I'm at." He got up from his seat and walked towards me and bent down where I was sitting and put his face close to mine. My blush was bigger now. "You're at my place (F/N-chan)" There was knock at the door. He backed his face up and got up to get the door once he opened the door I wasn't happy.

Shizuo P.O.V

I knocked on that fleas door and to my surprise he opened it. Oh~ Hey~ Shizu~chan. Damn it I hate whenever he does that stupid sing song voice of his. "Is my sister here?" I askes with slight concern in my voice. He smriked "What if she is." He said with that dumbass smirk of his. "Then I won't do anything." I said through gritted teeth. "Shizu~chan that's not how it works if she's here you would probably kick my ass and knowing me I would dodge every single one of your hits." I just pushed the door open and walked in to see (F/N) sitting on the couch holding her stomach. "What did he do to you." I asked but all she did was look away from me. "Please (F/N) answer me." She finally lookes at me "Just go away I don't want to see you anymore all you do is put me in danger."

((Zang girl a.tti.tude. Sorry I had to do that Please*cough* *cough* Continue))

I looked at (F/N) surprised. "How could you say that to your big brother." She rolled her (E/C) eyes. "Because I can say anything I want to." I looked at her shocked I got up and left before I left. I saw Izaya standing near the door way. I stopped near him and looked him in the eye. "Make sure to take care of her I'm picking her up in three days and if you do anything to hurt her I'm going to hurt you understood." He nodded "Sure Shizu-chan I would take good care of her if you know what I mean." he winked. I punched him in the stomach 'And don't get any idea's." With that I left her with that damn flea. I can't believe I'm doing this to her but it's for her own good.

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