Ted's birthday

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Robin's POV:

"And then?", Lily asked curiously. "Then he kissed me...", I answered. "Wow... I didn't know that you were also as romantic as Ted is!" "Actually, I'm not as romantic as he is, but sometimes I have such ideas..." I smiled and thought about the beautiful night we spent together. He was really perfect for me, I knew it, and if he proposed right now, I'd totally say, "Yes". Then I saw him, Marshall and Barney come in. "Hey sweetie!", I said and gave him a kiss. "Hey, how are you?", he asked and put an arm around me, looking right into my eyes. "Great and you?" "Yes, me too!", he said before kissing me again. Then he said, "So as you know, my birthday's in a week and I think we should go out somewhere!" "Yes! And I know a really great strip club...", Barney said. "No way! There's really no way we're going to a strip club!", Ted screamed.

A week later

"I really don't know how you got us to do this, Barney!", Ted said. But Barney just gave him an evil grin. "Just sit down and enjoy!" He giggled. Good that I knew that Ted would never "enjoy" in this as long as he had me. Ted, Marshall, Lily and I sat down and starred at the stage of the strip club, to which Barney brought us bored. Suddenly a man appeared and said, "Now we're gonna choose someone from the audience to come over here and dance with one of our ladies!" Barney immediately jumped up and screamed, "Me! Me! Please choose me!" But the man went over to... Ted! He pulled him to the stage, but Ted protested, "No! I have a girlfriend! I can't do this! Let me go!" But the man pulled him down and forced him to sit onto the chair. Then a woman came out and started to dance around him... It was so disgusting! And I couldn't take it anymore. The others looked at me, but I couldn't controll myself anymore. This was my boyfriend! Nobody would take him away from me!

I jumped onto the stage and screamed,
"Get off him, you stupid bitch!" Then I pulled her away from Ted, my Ted, and started hitting her. But luckily for her, Marshall, Lily, Barney and Ted pulled me off the stage before I could kill her.

Later that night, at Ted's appartement

"Luckily we came away with an order to stay away from the house!", Ted said and laughed. "Yeah, but I don't even want to go there anyway!", I said. "But Robin?" "Yes?" He looked me deep into my eyes and put his arms around my waist. "You know that I wouldn't cheat on you, right?" "Well, I hope so!", I said with a little smile. "Oh Robin!" Ted started laughing. But I didn't understand why. "Why are you laughing?", I asked confused. "Robin, Robin, Robin! I mean, you obviously don't know how much I love you. Look, I wanted to marry you from the first day we met! You know what I told Barney when I saw you for the first time? 'Hey Barney! See that girl? I'm gonna marry her someday!' Robin, you're the woman of my dreams! I could never cheat on you, even if I wanted to! Without you, I wouldn't be the man I am. I would be nothing without you, you're the most important thing in my life! You're the best that ever happened to me! Robin, I love you so much I can't even tell you how much! Do you still think I'd cheat on you?", he finished and smiled his usual warm smile I loved so much about him. I was so happy I had to cry, tears streamed down my face and he used his thumb to wipe them away. I believed every single word he said. "No!", I laughed.

Then he kissed me on my forehead and hugged me tight. "Don't cry!" When he let go of me he said, "Now I want to have some fun with the right woman!". Then he carried me bridal - style into the bedroom.

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