2. A Little Dinner Party

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Los Angeles, CA
10:46 pm

It's been almost five months, and Nani and I are still moving from motel to motel. I can't keep us in one spot for too long, and getting a house or an apartment is too risky at the moment. Lord knows who's looking for me and who's already found me.

I held my baby girl tighter to me as the room began to get chilly. Then it hit me. I put her right in the middle of this danger. If something happens to me, what will happen to her? My hands became tense, feeling scared for my daughter. I ran my fingers through her curly hair. As I closed my eyes shut, my phone vibrated and lit up. I picked it up and read the text I received.

Lana: Hey! I know this is really late and last minute but u wanna go to dinner tomorrow night with me, Nita, Tamara and her boyfriend, and my husband? We'd love it if you joined us! xo

Don't get me wrong, they're nice and all, but I wasn't completely sure if hanging out with them was a good idea. They each had about five years on me, and I felt like a little girl hanging out with them.

Me: Sorry, I can't.. I don't have anyone to babysit Nani.

I sent her back.

Not only that, I would rather have her strapped to my hip every second of every day. My phone buzzed again.

Lana: She can go Tamara's house. She's got this really expensive babysitting agency over to watch her son.

I kissed my teeth. I can't just let anyone watch my child, and I don't know Tamara like that. Who knows what could happen?

Me: Let me think about it. I'm not sure right now.

She sent a quick "Ok" back. I looked over at Nani who was sound asleep. Then I began rubbing her scalp until I drifted to sleep myself.

7:04 pm

"Please be good for mommy, okay?" I kneeled in front of Nani with sad eyes. I really didn't want to leave her here with strangers, and it was killing me. In the back of my mind I wanted to turn around and say I couldn't go out anymore, but it was something in me that was keeping my mouth shut.

I held on to her little hand as the sitter stood next to her with her hand on Nani's shoulder. "Trust me, Ms. Riley. She's in good hands." I smiled weakly as I let go of her hand.

"Nicole, c'mon girl!" Nita called. I waved sadly to my daughter as I turned to walk out of the door of Tamara's home. "She'll be okay." Nita assured.

8:17 pm

Dinner was going pretty good. We all laughed, and lucky Nita didn't bring a date, so I wasn't the only person that came alone.

"So, Derrick. How was New York?" Tamara asked Lana's husband.

"It was okay. Visited my people again, since you know, the incident." He spoke.

"Incident?" I asked. I was trying not to be nosey, but everyone at the table seemed to know what was being talked about but me.

"Well, my cousin was killed." He said. My expression turned.

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's cool though, cause he went out like he said he would when we were younger." He said cheering himself up.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, my cousin Christopher, but we called him Quez," my heart immediately jumped. I gulped hard as he continued. "He died in a shootout. He was on top of the drug business out in New York with these other dudes we knew growing up, but unfortunately, only Quez and his other friend Trey were killed." I shook my head trying to catch up with what he was saying. "They say they let my homie Jonas live, and miraculously, Quez's right hand man Adonis lived after a shot to the head." I instantly started choking. My head was hot, but I couldn't fight the urge to almost throw myself on the ground.

"Nicole, are you okay?!" Lana shouted.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I lied as I lightly pounded my fist on my chest trying to catch my breath. "How did he live?! Was it... Like, was..?" I couldn't think of any words.

"They said he's completely fine. I seen him when I went. He just walking around like he ain't ever been wounded in his life. You can hardly even see the scar on his forehead." I completely drained out. I couldn't hear anything. My ears were completely clogged, my heart was racing, my hands were clammy, and I was barely breathing. How could this happen?

"But anyways.." Tamara's boyfriend said starting a new conversation. I didn't listen. I couldn't listen. I sat in silence for the rest of the dinner.

"Well, I guess it's time to get out of here." Derrick said as he stood tall and stretched. I slid out of the booth and smoothed out my dress, still trying to focus on reality and trying not to faint.

I followed behind everyone. As my foot reached the threshold of the front door of the restaurant, someone placed their hand on my shoulder. I jumped at the cold hand and slowly turned around. Standing in front of me was a really tall man dressed in all black. He picked up my hand from my side and placed an envelope in it. He then turned and walked away. I stood there terrified. "Nicole, you coming?" Lana yelled after me. I cleared my throat and caught back up to the group.

I sat all the way in the back of the black SUV, clutching the envelope. I flipped it over, and it was sealed with the Costello wax seal. I felt weak. Everything was tumbling down.

They found me.

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