5. Her Mother's Child

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New York
5:18 am

"So, are you just going to stare at me, or are you going to do something? If not, can you just let me go? I'm pretty sure my daughter is scared out of her damn mind." Gina Costello spoke blandly to her late husband's younger brother. She shook her leg rapidly, scanning a room full of men staring at her. "Honestly, what are you even going to do?" She rolled her eyes. "No one is going to talk to me?" She stood up.

"Sit down, Gina," Tyson demanded.

"Why so you can torture me by not answering my questions? You know where she is, so tell me. She's out there with my granddaughter, and I know you sent someone to bring her back." She clenched her jaw. "My son told me you asked for her dead or alive." Tears formed in her eyes. "You better not kill my baby; I swear to God, Tyson!"

"She killed my brother! Your husband! She slowed down the most stable business in this drug world." He shook and lowered his head. "She made this rivalry between those young bloods even more violent. She is selfish! Fucking selfish." He looked Gina in the eyes. "Besides, we don't have her anymore. The others do." He turned his head away. Gina clasped her clammy hands together and put her head down as the tears started to stream down her face. She knew about Adonis, and she knew Raja didn't have a chance in hell of survival. She wiped her tears away and stood up once again.

"You," she pointed a perfectly manicured finger in Tyson's face. "You better hope my baby and grand baby make it home safe." She stared him down for a while then stormed out of the office, passing TJ who was heading in.

"Uh, unc?" He asked shyly. "Is there something you need me to do?" He was ready for anything assigned to him, even if that meant killing his own sister. His uncle filled the role of his father, the person he wanted to impress the most.

"Nothing right now, TJ. I already have people in Los Angeles looking for your sister. When we finally get her back in New York, then I'll have big plans for you." TJ nodded his head and left.

Los Angeles
2:18 am

"So, are you just going to stare at me, or are you going to do something? If not, can you just let me go? I'm pretty sure my daughter is scared out of her fucking mind." Raja said slyly to her ex romantic interest. "Seriously Adonis, don't hurt my fucking baby."

He had his back facing her as he took another shot of bourbon. His face twisted as he gagged. "I hate your hair. You need to cut it." Raja groaned loudly and obnoxiously.

"Loosen these ropes Adonis," she said trying to wiggle loose. "They're too tight on my wrists." He didn't acknowledge her. She watched him closely, as she quietly stood up still tied to the wooden chair. As quickly as she could, she sprinted backwards into the farthest wall trying to break the chair. She sucked her teeth in pain after realizing the chair was still in tact. She lied sideways on the ground with her arms still tied to the chair. Adonis looked over his shoulder at her, then turned right back around. He picked his gun up from the bar and walked over to her.

"I'll untie you, but if you run, I'll kill you," he said deeply.

"Fair." She sighed defeated. He roughly untied her and dragged her from the chair by the collar of her already torn shirt. She pushed him away from her and scooted her back into the wall.

"Chill out, okay?" He said calmly. "Ain't nobody gone hurt your crazy ass."

"Then what the fuck do you want from me?" She asked with her entire body ready to defend herself.

"Well," he started. "I could turn you into your uncle for thirteen million dollars." He shrugged. "Or I could keep you to myself."

"Why the fuck would you-" he cut her off.

"It's been hectic since you killed your dad. People been getting killed left and right. My people, your people." He took a seat. "This is all about power, and even though you tried to fucking kill me, I'm willing to forgive if you turn to my side. I'll protect you Raja. You can trust me like you did before." She thought. "It's not like I never distrusted by you.

She buried her face into her hands and cried. "You're of great use to my strategy Raja Costello. I need you on my side. Help me get rid of your uncle. He wants you dead anyways." Adonis took another shot.

Raja wiped her tears away. "I'll help." She said quietly. "But I want my daughter here with me right now. I need her in my presence."

She slid up the wall, wiping the dirt off her pants. She wrapped her arms around her chest trying to cover her exposed bra through her ripped up shirt.

"Can I change my clothes first?"

Los Angeles
2:18 am

"Troye!" Ballard ran into Alonzo's office, nearly dropping his stack of papers and spilling his coffee with every step he took. He dropped the giant stack of papers on Troye's desk, making a hard thud. "I've got something." Alonzo Troye turned to face his temporary assigned partner, Ross Ballard. "Dinero is on the move! The entire American drug world is going ballistic. There's a reward on the streets."

Troye became alert. "What are they trying to find? How'd you find all this out?"

"Not what, but who." Ross pushed his palms down into the desk and leaned forward. "Raja Costello."

"Raja Costello?" Alonzo asked. "Who the hell is that?"

"Dinero's ex partner Thaddeus Costello's daughter." Ross paced around the office.

"Costello?" Alonzo asked.

"Yes, Thaddeus's younger brother is now taking over his operation in New York, and he put a bounty out on his niece. Back at the station in New York, they found out that it was Raja that killed her dad, now she's on the run."

"So what?" Troye asked. "What does this have to do with our case."

"Dinero was hiding and protecting Raja. We have pictures of her being escorted in and out of his club. Then, she gave who I assume to be her daughter to some man, then left with another." He said excitedly. "We can link Dinero to all of this. This could be our easiest way to charge him now, then get him for the bigger stuff later. We just have to get Costello's daughter. She could testify, and we could put her under witness protection, that way she'll be safe from the people trying to get her for the bounty."

"I doubt she'll testify against the person that was protecting her. We take her, then we get killed. I'm pretty sure everyone she's dealing with is dangerous. I'd rather not risk it." Troye said.

"She has no other choice. It's either she works with us or she dies." Ballard shrugged.

"Fine," Alonzo agreed. "I'm trusting you with this move. Show me what she looks like." Ross shuffled through the top of the stack of the papers, pulling out a blown up picture from an investigation car outside the club.

"That's.." Troye looked closer. "Nicole?" He whispered to himself.

A/n: I wrote this in a rush, so please excuse any mistakes. Also, leave comments and vote 💞💞💞💞

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