3. Business Card

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Los Angeles, CA

10:32 pm

I rushed into Tamara's house, immediately spotting Nani watching TV.

"Nani, baby, we have to leave right now, okay?" I picked up her small backpack, and stuffed her belongings inside.

"What's wrong, mommy?" She asked in her soft voice. I completely ignored her and swept her off her feet.

"What's wrong Nicole? Why are you in such a hurry?" Tamara asked. I paused trying to think of a lie.

"Oh, um, I forgot I have something very important to do in the morning." I pushed past them to the front door. "No time to explain! See you guys later." I rushed out the door with Nani in my arms.

I strapped her in the seat belt and tossed her bag underneath her feet. Running around to the driver's side, I hopped in and took a deep breath before turning on the ignition and speeding off.

I focused on my speed, making sure I wouldn't get pulled over, and I especially made sure to be extra careful with my child in the car. At the red light, I leaned over and checked the glove compartment for my pistol. I felt under my seat to feel a glock 47. I lifted up the dash compartment to see a butterfly knife, and lastly I checked the arm rest for extended clips and a gun silencer.

I looked back at Nani as she played with her tablet. My head began pounding and tears started to fall. How could i do this to my own child?

I pulled into the parking space at the last motel we stayed in. There were police cars and investigators everywhere. The blue and red flashing lights hurt my eyes as I saw what could potentially happen to me, but more importantly, my daughter.

I got Nani out of the backseat, and ran inside to get our things. It was like they weren't looking for me at all.

Detective Alonzo Troye

Los Angeles, CA

11:04 pm

"What do we got here?" Ballard asked the medical examiner that was standing over a dead body. We were called to the scene soon after it was noted that the victims were connected with Dinero.

"Both of these men are about 30 to 36 years of age. Gunshot wounds to the neck, abdomen, and head. Money still in the wallets, jewelry still on the body, so this wasn't a robbery. We were able to I.D. these two gentlemen as Ricardo Jimenez and Hector Martinez."

I took a closer look at the men as the room began to smell like dead bodies. "How do you know they're connected to Dinero?" I say putting on my examination gloves.

"Well as you can see," the medical examiner pulled one of the dead men's eyelids back, revealing nothing but sockets. I turned my head away at the sight.

"That's sinister." Ross said covering his mouth.

"That's not all," the examiner continued. He opened up one of their mouths and the man's tongue was cut out. I shook my head in disgust.

"Yup, that has Dinero written all over it." I said. "I'm going to take a breather." I walked out of the motel room and went straight to my car.

I became instantly sidetracked as the woman I seen at the restaurant quickly moving out of a room with two giant duffle bags on her arm, pulling her daughter alongside. I rushed over to help her with her bags.


Los Angeles, CA

11:23 pm

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