Chapter 2

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"You are to be married.""You are to be married.""You are to be married". These five, simple but piercing words kept repeating like a parrot that has yet to be fed. Each sound would harshly ring in my ear, resulting in the surrounding of my room appearing as a mere speck of dust, so irrelevant that even if an earthquake was to occur, no acknowledgment shall be presented.

Sadly, it's rather ironic considering this room is grand, very grand indeed, almost as immense as the chambers of my very own mother, the Queen of England. We may appear to share blood, but for us, water is thicker, because when you peer into it, it will at least show your reflection, and shant force you to marry off to a man who not only shares the same crimson red pulsating through our veins, but only approaches you out of pity and money.

After many years of rejection and hope, I was led to believe that the dearest Queen of England had no time to assume or even ponder upon my feelings. However, it was much worse. Instead of praising me at my best she would send someone to abuse me, rather then love me she would hate me,instead of trying to preventing me to become sucidal she desires it. It hurts knowing that all my siblings had a family to love and cherish and all I have a queen I am forced to respect.

Despite having grown up without a mother by my side to hold my palm throughout the rough times in life, a spark of hope stubbornly lingered in my heart, never diminishing. After today's meeting that spark was extinguished, trampled on by the very feet that I clung on to for so long. The reality finally reached me; she hates me.

After all, I was the one who had killed her husband, the very man who made her heart flutter; I wonder if she felt like god gave her too much back then, money, power and love. Usually, one shall be lucky enough to find just one of those, but she did all. Yet, I shattered it all for her, stabbing her painful wounds over and over, not knowing how to stop. It was all my fault.

She wants me gone, doesn't she? Actually, I'm sure she's considered killing me before. I'm alive still only because of my inherited position, protected only by the risk of public outcry. Expectedly, almost like a back-up, I was then to be married off to the first man she could get her hands on, her delicate speech laced with desperation to send me into exile from this house, but also her turmoiled thoughts. After all, it was I who killed him.

The Queen is still very important to me. For the many months my frail body floated within her stomach, I could tell that she adored me, I almost remember it. She would gently place her hands over me, gazing down at me with a glistening warmth in her eyes. My Papa would press his ear against her belly to hear any slight movement, and their lips would arch into a radiant smile at any sound.

My dearest eldest brother Edward would soothe me to sleep by reminding me of those times, the times whilst papa was still alive. Thanks to him, I know if my father was still here, I would be loved. Even though such a word carries such sentimental value, it feels bittersweet when I repeat it.

Well, that's normal. It's bittersweet because I yearn for it. The only family member that still recognises me is Edward, and despite that, we rarely speak these days; He is now married with his very own family to look after. He does send the occasional letter, asking about everybody, but they were never addressed to me, always another member of the family, as our meeting was forbidden, a secret.

If he was caught speaking to me, the reputation and title he had gained as the first-born would be crushed brutally. That's the reality of my cursed existence; it only does damage.

Edward does indeed try his best to meet me though, while snatching every opportunity he gets, he would come and visit me here. Even though our conversations may only last a few minutes, that is enough for me, as long as someone I share my blood with can also share their love too.

A sudden knock on my door brought me out of my deepest contemplation; my ocean blue eyes traced the sound that began this hectic echo inside my lifeless cave filled with impractical luxuries.

"Yes?", I asked emotionlessly.

The circular, gold doorknob started gently turning in a globular motion, and once it had finished rotating; the immense marble door slowly opened revealing a brown eye peeking through, one of her ringlets fell beside her eyes, her age shun amongst her face, unveiling what was once a beautiful brunette with no wrinkles. Her skin is now that of an elder whose stress took the best of them, the once thick, brown hair is now thin and grey, and her face is now marked by endless lines across her forehead, cheeks and eyes. She wore our traditional maid outfit; it was Anna, my personal maid.

"Amelia? Why are your eyes all red dear? Is everything alright?", her short chubby body started drawing towards me.

I let my checks arise, revealing a petite smile. It was my form of an answer. I drop my gaze to the floor unconsciously, unwillingly revealing a glimpse of the hurt behind the surface. I tried to be strong, but a cut always scars no matter what you do. She scarred me, impaled me with her tainted words, and bore her burning toward me.

"C'mon, princesses never sit on the dusty floor.", she scolded me. I took a hold of her hand and let her help me up, struggling to breathe. Wearing a corset does have its advantages, but this is definitely not one of them. I started swiping the dust off my dress, then stood with my back arched, the way a royalty should. Anna looked up at my face.

"We take an eye off you for one second, then poof you're a giant; I remember when you were this little.", she then made a motion with her thumb and fore finger. I laughed, loudly, almost as if my previous thoughts also went 'poof'.

"You are exaggerating, Anna. I am merely a head taller.". Her mouth rapidly formed an "o" shape, clearly in shock by what was just said.

"I think you may need glasses dear.", she laughed. "I was going to call you down for dinner, but it might make you grow taller.", she scoffed, and slowly started turning around to leave without even giving me a second glance.

"Wait Anna, may I have dinner with everyone in the kitchen?", I asked politely, a hint of desire seeping out.

Normally, you would have dinner with your family at the dining room, but for that to happen they must agree for your company, otherwise you are uninvited. It is forlorn to be with oneself having a banquet. Thus, I adopt to eating in a room filled with people who may have no belongings or title to give, but possess a heart full of love and compassion, even though their life is full of pain and hardship. They would always patiently listen to you complain. This is a true family.

This is my family.

I'm so sorry for the late update to be honest the only thing that got me going were thoose few votes I got and it literally meant a lot to me ^.^

I ended this chapter at a cliffhanger, but don't worry I shall soon update (hehe) and let me know what you think of it please.

Thank you guys for whoever is reading this,it does literally make my day and all I can really say is that I LOVE YOU GUYS

P.s sorry for using the word guys twice in the same paragraph (tutut)

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