Chapter 5

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Without turning around I knew who it was.

My mother.

The air that surround us feels tense, as usual.

"HELENA GO TO YOUR ROOM!" the queen of England screamed at my sister, a vicious intent lacing her tone. Helena got up trying to make a straight face. She nodded to our mother and left the dining room, the way a princess should.

Now it was the Queen and the peasent left in a room together. She walked around the table and I stood up. We were face to face, the only diference is the height, I towered above her.
" Am I supposed to be frightened of you? Don't forget who I am!"

I stared at her blankly. "The Queen. There's also something else, but I guess you've forgotten."

She slapped me again - on the same spot. I shouldn't have responded to her in such a vulgar manner but this is the second time she has even spoken to me, let alone looked at me and that's all she had to say.

"How dare you try to make such a serious situation into a joke, does this look funny to you?" She said whilst looking around the table where all the soup I had just spat out laid.

"It is already 3 o clock and all you did was learn to walk and make a mess. The ball shall commence in four hours, you still have to get ready and the servants have to clean the mess you made." She looked up at me with disgust.
"I really can't wait to get rid of you. Out of sight, out of mind." She spat at me and walked to the corner of the room to ring the bell to call the servants.

A women in the typical maid outfit came into the dining room and looked at me apologetically, she then looked down and dared not to look up.
"Yes your Highness", she asked. I felt bad, you could hear the fear in her voice as she addressed my mother.

"Go and fetch this girls' servant and tell her to get the peasant ready for a ball, a very grand one indeed." The maid nodded her head and scurried out of the room.

Whilst the maid was gone the tension in this room rose, I stared at my mum, and she didn't even bother looking at me. Her eyes were directed towards the soup I had just spat out and took a breath of fresh air.

"Next time wash your hand with that salted water.", she said as she started walking out of the door. I was about to speak but I hadn't noticed that Anna was in the room. She placed her hand on my shoulder, automatically make me stop talking.

"C'mon deary lets go and get you cleaned up." Anna started making her way to my hideaway, and I followed. Every step I took up to the stairs made me fear the life I live even more and question my actions.

If I proceed with disobeying my mother could she possibly send me to get executed? She did indeed say out of sight, out of mind. On the other hand I am still her daughter, so wouldn't England start a riot if one of their princess got murdered by her mother, the Queen. My existence I so fragile here.

Once I had reached my room, Anna sat me down on my chair whilst she went and prepared my bath. Once the bath was ready I laid my nude body in it, whilst Anna had left the room. I started to slowly sink my body until I was underwater and nothing was left untouched by the water. I have always done this, try and see how long I could stay underwater. Always wondering whether I could stay here long enough to just die. It would certainly be better than leading such a pitiful life.

However Anna always seems to come in to early to pull me out. When I was younger Anna would just scold me but now she just throws a look of pity. As a result, she never leave for longer than a couple of minutes.

Would it not be easier if I just died and give the soul I stole from Papa to another innocent human, whom doesn't even acknowledge the fact that they have royal blood within them.

"What you had drank earlier wasn't soup deary, it is a substance for you to clean your hands and remove all the dirt from those cleansed and moistured hands."

I stared at Anna as she started to tell me about my previous actions, allowing me to understand my sister and as to why she was in fits of laughter. It is rather funny. I looked up to Anna as she proceeded with telling me what I shall have to do during dinner time and what all the different cutlery are used for.

Once she had finished telling me what I have to do tonight during dinner, I had already finished my bath and was placed in a night gown, so my soaking wet hair could be done.

"How do you know all this Anna? " I asked out of mere curiosity, I know she is a servant but it's considered disrespectful to stare at royals whilst they eat their food.

"I am a servant, servants knows everything that happens in this house there are even gossip we know that hasn't even reached the Queens ears."

I stared at her through the mirror, the way she had just justified herself wad odd, she had never given such an explication, almost as if she is trying to stir my attention away. Whilst I stared she looked down, pretending to do something with my hair, but all she is doing is touching the ends, which is uselessly doing nothing to my golden locks of hair.

"Anna, what are you trying to hide?" She looked up and stared directly at me through my mirror, with wide eyes.

"What makes you think that I'm fibbing?" She said while this time actually doing some plaits on the side of my hair. I could sense her hand shaking whilst she was doing so.

"Anna you have never tried changing the subject or shake so much, almost as if you are petrified to tell me." Instead of replying she continued doing my hair. We stayed in silence whilst she was doing my hair.

After a while, I stood up and turned to look at her, her frown turned into a smile as she looked at me.

"I remember when I was just like you, young, beautiful and rich."My eyes suddenly shot up, is she telling me that she was once rich?

Hey guys, sorry for such an awfully late update but now I finished all my exams and I am on "holiday" soo ill try doing the update for queen Victoria daughter every Wednesday. (Even thought today is a friday)
Hope you enjoyed this chapter. If so please give a like and a comment.
Love you guys loads ❤💙💚💛💜

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