Chapter 4

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Mysteriously, the british light shone through my thick cream curtains. Every speck of light uninvitedly lay on my plain face. Almost instantaneously I turned around and covered my eyes with the lovely thick blanket.

Instead of being able to proceed with the sleep I am currently craving, the loud sound of my marble door banging the rather thick brick wall came crashing into my ears. I could have sworn I became deaf if I had not heard my dear friend Charlottes voice screeching.

I saw ginger locks travelling at a very fast pace and suddenly I could feel somebody jumping on my king sized bed.

"Ameilia today is the day, today is the day a ball shall commence.". Charlottes voice ringed in my head as she kept repeating the same phrase with a rather posh voice. I wonder if that mimeckery was made for humour?

I pushed her off my bed and turned around, covering my face yet again with the blanket. Instead of letting me go back to a land I once dreamed of, she pulled the blanket to the floor, revealing my white scrambled gown and a pair of rather long pale white legs.

"C'mon Amelia it is already eleven in the morning and you have yet to take your breakfast.", Charlotte said. She was, at the same time trying to pull me out of my rather comfortable position. Once I was standing, Charlotte started making the bed. All I could do was stare.

Once the bed was done Amelia helped me into my daily dress along with the dreaded corset. Whilst helping me change she kept babbling on about how exciting the ball shall be and how she hopes to get a hold of a handsome man. Now that I think about it Charlotte is always on about finding a beautiful man she may spend the rest of her life with. Indeed, I am different. I want a man that I can love for the rest of my life.

"You alright Amelia?". Charlotte gently shook me to grasp my attention. It's almost as if she can read my mind. To be frank, I do find that rather bizarre. I gently noded and sent a small smile through the mirror.

"I'm fine." I tried my best to chuckle, but for some reason my throat was terribly dry. All Charlotte did was stare at me and continued helping me into my dress but this time she stayed silent.

I wish I could be as happy as she is, since a ball shall commence tonight. But knowing tonight is the evening I shall meet the man I'll spend the rest of my life with who so happens to be my cousin is daunting.

After doing my daily morning routine, I followed Charlotte down the many steps towards the basement.

"You wanna have breakfast or lunch now ma'am? ", Charlotte questioned. Once we arrived on the ground floor, I halted in shock. Since when did she start calling me ma'am?

"Ma.." before I could finish my sentence, my stomach got a piercing feeling where Charlotte had just nudged me. I look at her in shock. What is wrong with her?
She looked ahead of her. I followed her gaze and was presented with my older sister, Helena.

"She shant be having any. This pest shall need to get ready.It is already midday.". My sister came towards me and dragged me by my arm tightly.
"You are dissmissed" Helena spoke, waving her arm confidently.

"P-please L-let go off me." I said nervously as she proceeded with guiding me. I tried hiding my nervousness but clearly my mouth didn't obey me. She let go of me and stopped us both.

"Her majesty told me too make sure you look like a princess, as apparently only a princess can make sure you act like one. I can't believe a peasent like yourself shall be getting married before me.". She spat at me along with a disgusted look. I looked down and made my path into her bedroom, a place I had never been.

I never knew my hideout was this dull. Looking at her room makes me almost envy her. Every speck of the room was filled with something luxurious. Not one place of this room is empty. Furthermore, it is double the width of my room.

"Have you finished gawking? I do not have all day you know.", my sister rather rudely interupted my thoughts. I turned around and faced her. She held around a dozen of books and stared at me.

"Looking at you the first thing I notice, other than that pathetic thing we insist on calling a face is your posture, it's horrid, you need to learn to stay straight. I shall place these on your head and you have to walk to the other side of the room." She placed her heavy books, one by one on my head, untill all twelve were placed on my head. I must say it is rather heavy.

"What are you waiting for? Walk!". I started taking baby steps towards my destination, but once I was halfway through I felt confident and started walking faster. Wrong move. All the books tumbled to the ground. "Just when I thought we wouldn't be here all day you choose to betray me peasent."

I bent down and picked up the books. However, I couldn't help but notice quite a few of my favourites novels - Pride and Prejudice.

Once I finished picking up the books I went back and started again. This lasted an hour; an hour of me failing miserably and my sister nagging and complaining.

After having completed the task of being able to walk straight across the room, Helena took me to the dining room. There laid quiet a few plates and bowls; one was filled with soup along with a bunch of knives forks and even spoons. I never knew it was possible to have different types of the same cutlery. My sister dragged me towards the plate full of soup and pushed me down on the chair. She then proceeded to take the seat beside me and looked at me. I stared back blankly. I was not too sure what my next task was to be honest. She then pointed at the soup, I looked down then looked back up at her.
"What are you waiting for peasant?"

I picked up the largest spoon and began taking a spoonful of soup, placed it in my mouth and instantly spat it back out. It had the strongest taste of salt. I quickly took the water placed beside the bowl. My sister busted into laughter. I have never seen anyone in my family laugh, and it felt good to see my sister laughed and so I joined in. We continued to laugh for another 10 minutes.

After the fits of our laughter dried out she stared at me, with her mouth looking kind of crooked, almost as if she was smiling. That smile faded as soon as it came. instead she looked above me frightened. Suddenly I felt a stinging pain on my left cheek. The same pain as yesturday. Without Turning around I knew who it was.

Hi guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
I'm soo sorry for uploading late. I had my mock exams and i was kind of freaking out >. < .I'm now going to deffinatly (try) upload a chapter every week. It's going to be uploaded every Wednesday at 8 am (UK time).

Thank youu soo much for reading this, please vote and comment your opinions. :)))

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