Chapter 8

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His eyes, consisted of brown overall and flickers of green and gold.

It shone.

It was almost mythical.

I was so engroseed by his specks that I completely forgot he has even began speaking to me.

"Its great to finally meet the spoken about princess locked away in the tower." He smirked, one he did not try to hide at all, noticing my sudden shocked state.

and me?

i blushed prefuously.

What is wrong with me?

I mean of course I have not spoken to alot of strangers in my entire being, but neither was I quiet as weird.

He must think I'm an absolute weirdo.

Denying the reddness in my cheeks i tried being brave.


he laughed.

"Im sorry me majesty, shouldve introduced me self, my name is Theodor, What about your self?"

His voice is mesmerising , almost as if I died and came back to life in heaven.

"My name is Amelia ."

I respond, not sure weather his question was genuine or sarcasm.

he laughed,


The laugh of an angel.

His high cheek bones and plumped lips with bright white teeth would explain why a laugh like his has never come across me.

But then again, I am the "locked up princess."

"I like you. I have never come across a person like yourself."
he stated,
like it's a fact.
To be honest I am not too sure who this person is either, never have I been so bizarrely awkward.

"Then Im guessing you have never come across a princess."

I replied,
too quickly
without thinking,
realising it must have sounded very sarcastic and indeed mean.

he smiled.

lord please forgive me for feeling so,



I met this boy for barely a minute.
And he does these unexplainable things.

Which any normal human would do.

But I feel a way no holy person should.

"Dance with me for the next dance, can't let a dime like your self get away"

his face went red as he looked down at his rather large and dry hands, which was fidgeting quiet a bit.

"it would be a pleasure." his face lifted back up facing me. again my eyes wouldn't stop staring at his.

I'm cursed under his spell.

He bewitched me.

someone tapped my back, breaking our gaze.

I was greeted by two girls, who looked my age or perhaps a year younger.
"My lord its the locked away princess, she is even more beautiful in person, the legends never lie do they?" they both said in sync.
Theodore and I laughed.
To be greeted in such a manner baffels me.
The two girls blushed out of embarrassment, I assume.

"I apologise for acting very disrespectful, its just that ever since being born we have heard legends about yourself and its such a satisfaction to finally see you with our own pair of eyes." the girl to the right announced.

"And indeed you are  stunning, your gown is absolutely beautiful, I stood there in awe when you entered the hall, and I must admit I was rather jealous."  The other girl said who I presume is her twin.

My face went as red as a tomato, never in my 16 years of living have I received such frontal compliments.

"Ay I agree with you girls, couldn't take my eyes off her."
Théodore announced whilst looking at me in a way, that even myself cannot explain.
  I am not too sure how i should respond if I am rather honest.

"Thank you, you girls are stunning yourselves" was all I could say, before the next song was complete.

"Sorry girls, but the princess has promised me a dance." Théodore announced as he whisked me away. I believe the girls just realised the handsome man that stood beside me as they looked up to look at him and suddenly blushed, now for certain out of embarrassment.

Theodore grabbed my hand, creating an ignetion of sparks travelling all across my body, he must have noticed as he suddenly looked down to stare at me.

Honestly I believe we would have stayed staring into one another's eyes forever if it were not for the commencement of the dance and the loud music being played by the orchestra.

However every time we twirled it felt like the world stopped and spared us a minute.
We would stare into each others eyes and take our time. Like the world was ours.

Unfortunately all good things must come to an end,the music died down and everyone clapped as all of us wallked away from the central stage.

Theodore picked up my hand and placed them in his, our hands moulded into one another as if it was meant to be.

This feeling came again.

A feeling the devil feels.

One I must ignore.

"Would it be wrong of me if I ask you to dance with me again, and preferably more than once."
His voice so soft, and perfect, there was a note of hope I recognised, but surely he must have realised he has me twirled around his little finger.

"I would like that." I respond.

Suddenly I felt my arms being yanked away, and of course no other person would have the audacity to act like this in public, other than my so called mother.

As she dragged me away, I couldn't help myself but to keep turning around to look at Theodore, as he stared back at me rather astonished. 

My mother dragged me to the corner of the room, behind the golden drapes, where the public could not see us.

"And who is he?" she asked rather aggressively in a hushed tone so no one in the close proximity could hear us.

We all know how her reputation would be deflected if anyone hears her.

"I do not know, and even if I did happen to know, I shan't tell you, your majesty"

again I was being rather rude to my so called mother, but she did nought to deserve to know my feelings for another, and honestly I felt like his name should be kept a secrecy.

I don't know why but something within me told me to say nothing. 

Again she slapped me, across my rosey cheeks, only deepening the shade of red.

"You need to learn some respect child! and you would have thought them maids were paid enough to raise a child decently."

Again with the insults, You would have thought my mother had perhaps at least an ounce of kindness. But perhaps she is all bad with no good.

However this insult was one not directly aimed at me but rather for my second mother.


"At lest them maids could spare the time to give love to a child of another"

and with that I walked away. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2018 ⏰

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