Chapter 6

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I sat there staring at the reflection on the mirror, how on earth was Anna once rich, we looked at one another's eyes. Hers held desperation and tragedy, whilst mine consists of curiosity. This quiet aura dragged on for what felt like eternity.  I thought she would proceed with her statement however this silence seem to contradict my thoughts. so I broke the silence.  

"Anna, who were you?" she remained silent. the only noise heard was the comb slowly making its passage down my back. The golden locks plucked back up after the tracer was removed. then this process was repeated several times before she finally decided to speak.

"My real name is annabel burrows. Must I say these details stay between us, princess." Again I kept my eyes locked onto hers, of course I would die with the secrets she shall mention to me. I was never the type to spread any secrecy, evidently I was rarely told secrets so I kept hiding them as if it was my personal treasure, especially since I don't really have any friends except charlotte and Anna of course. 

Anna, or should I say annabel proceeded. "My father was once a noble, he would often travel everywhere with your grandfather."

"It is fair to get say that they were in fact best friends." she paused again, but this time it was more for a dramatic effect rather than an outright statement. Instead of searching for the flicker in my eyes through the mirror, she proceeded with the braids in my hair.

"I was nought but 16 when everything began falling apart." This time however I stopped her from continuing this tragedy. I would consider my self a rather curious individual whom adored asking questions.

" If you were but 16, you could have very easily gotten married to another rich man, judging by the details of your physique, I believe you were once a stunning young lady. If there was anything that a man desired more than mere knowledge, it would be beauty"

I know you may consider this interruption as being very rude and indeed you may imagine me as being a selfish, obnoxious, young royal hinderance. But I insist it is in fact the very opposite.

"Aha, my dear, I have but started telling you a mere chapter of my life, we can never begin a story by going to the final page. As I was saying I was but 16 when things began falling apart. You see that is when your grandfather had died, he left the country mourning for almost half a year. Your mother as you may know is a year younger then I."

Annabel took a step back and admired her piece of work on my hair. For some reason, it felt like she had stopped herself from speaking. I don't quite know why, however I lack the courage to ask.

" I am proud to say that this is one of my finest creations yet." She took hold of the small mirror and tilted it so I can witness this style that she insist on calling "finest creation" and let me say that she was not at all fibbing.

This hairstyle Consisted mostly of plaits and flowers but the combination is very beautiful.
"Okay darling. Now get up, we only have a few minutes till your ball shall begin." I did as I was instructed to the do and got up.

Anna placed her hands on my back and rushes me across the halls and down the stairs, suddenly we halted besides my sisters room. Whom is currently downstairs appreciating the ball. Anna went inside and came back out a minute later with some liquid white chalk in her hand. I was instructed to open my mouth whilst she applied this chalk on my teeth.
"You are a beutiful girl, but making your teeth more eye appealing will create a women finner than the queen once was. All you must do is show that smile you seem to hide soo well." She the proceeded with covering my face with these ghastly texture.
"What are you applying on me?" I asked rather vastly.
"Darling this Is called makeup. It is used to enhance your features and make you look more desirable then you already are."

She then pulled my gown so I had my back facing her, and quickly pushed me towards the top of the stairs. once I could get a small peak of the grandness that awaited me, Anna turned me around once again but this time to face her. "Stop looking like a frightened puppy. best believe you are the brightest and prettiest girl in this grand ball, with minimal make up, unlike those caked girls. Alright deary its time you go down and join your family. hold your head up high and smile. remember who you are, princess Amelia." I couldn't get a word in edge ways. Anna the scurried away.

Now here I stand alone. again alone. probably life will always be like this if I stay living within this "royal" family. Once I finally had the courage to go down the stairs. I held my head high, a couple of steps down the stairs, the music suddenly stoped and the hall was filled with silence, excluding the gasps heard from several people. I'm guessing its astonishing to see the cursed princess forever locked in the tower.

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