Chapter three!

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 John (aka Carlyle's mate) on the side --------------------------------->

When I got up in the morning, I was actually, kinda happy. I know weird right. I just felt like something awesome was going to happend today. I know that what ever happens will be so totally awesome, it will be the best day of my life.

I don't know where my change of mind came from. But oh-well I like this side of me a lot better. My happy side is better then any other one of my sides, that I've met, anyway. My angry side is just scary, my sad side is depressing, and well, I really haven't met any of my other sides. So that's okay.

I get ready really quick, I think it is a new record. Okay, I lied, it took me about two and a half hours to get ready. But in all honesty, that's pretty quick for me. I don't know why it takes so long. All I do is, take a shower, do my hair, and I put clothes on.

I think I just procrastinate. Who ever said you can't get anything done if you procrastinate, they lied, I get stuff done all the time. It may take me longer, but still, I will eventually get it done.

I head down stairs. I am STARVING! So, where do I go?

No, not the bathroom. I go to the kitchen. Duh! That would be silly to go the bathroom. Silly person you.

"Holly French Fries Batman! What in the world is wrong with you?" I ask, Carlyle once she shuts the door to the room she stayed in. "Man you look silly." I say then start to giggle uncontrollably. I mean, her hair is all over the place, she looks like she put her finger in a light socket. Then her clothes are all wrinkly, it's like she used an anti-iron!

"Stop laughing it's not funny, but my night was great bye the way." She says, wiggling her eye brows up and down. It takes me a minute to put two and two together but once I do I gasp in pure horror.

"Oh-my. How could you do that?!" I exclaim.

"What do you mean? We just started the mating bond, that's not bad, unless there is something I haven't been informed about yet." She says. And I sigh in relief. Oh good, I though she had killed her mate.

Hey! Don't give me those accusing eyes, I don't even really know her. Well isn't that just great. We don't really know each other but I already consider her my best friend. I am so glad she trusts me enough to be my best friend.

But what if she doesn't think of me as a best friend? What if she has another best friend somewhere else?! "Omg are you cheating on me?" I ask her.

"What are you talking about!?" She scream yells.

"Do you have another best friend that your hiding from me?"

"What no. You're my only best friend. Why would you even think that?" She asks.

"Cause you haven't even told me his name yet!" I scream at her. Realization hits her head on and she makes a *O* face.

"Oh his name is John," She squeals in pure excitement.

"That is such a cute name." She gives me a look, "I mean it matches you well, I mean he matches you well, I mean I won't try anything with your man!" I exclaim throwing my hands up in a surrender motion.

"Good." She huffs.

"Lets go get food I'm starving!" I tell her and we run down the hall, in the direction we hope is the kitchen.

In the kitchen, I go to the cupboard and grab some fruit loops, ewe! So I guess randomly grabbing cereal is not the best thing to do, but hey, I like random stuff, which kinda explains my whole life. "Arg, you know what, Carlyle, just pick my cereal for me. Gosh I give up." I exclaim after I pick up a box of Reece's puff! Are you joshing me right now, what is this house, House of gross cereals!

"Okay, why?" She asks me, and I giver her a look that says, 'because i can't, isn't that obvious.'

"Uh, because, they are all gross, and I can't choose, what gross cereal I want to eat, so I'm leaving the job for you. Duh!" I tell her and she doesn't even look at me twice, just pick a box of cereal, and hands it to me.

"There Young go, happy?" She asks, acting like my mom.

"You have no clue," I tell her grabbing the box and a bowl and no milk. Milk is so, so, so, gross. You have no clue, not until you drink milk that comes straight from the cow. It is so nasty. It makes you want to throw it back up on your cat. That's how gross it is.

"Hey babe, what's up." John says coming and wrapping his arms around Carlyle and kissing her neck.

"Ah, my virgin eyes, can not look at this. This is so gross. Why didn't you kill him when you had the chance, Carlyle?" I ask her uncovering my eyes, which i really wish I hadn't, cause, they are getting into it. Ewe.

I start to run, what else do you expect me to do? And I go right out the front door. To God knows where.

When I get out the front door, I smell, the most amazingly fantastic, wonderful, you know what, I am going to make up my own word for this smell. Bagoodel, smell I have ever smelt. I immediately stop running to find out where the smell is coming from, when I see a guy.

And when I see guy, I really mean, Beautiful guy, cause that is what this guy is. He is hot. I know what, you a small portion of you are thinking, who in the world is she looking at, but most of you have probably figured out by now; I'm looking at my mate.

Ahh, I'm looking at my MATE! Wait, what is happening to him. He is getting BEAT UP! OKAY WHO EVER IS BEATING UP MY MATE, BETTE BE FOR RUNNING. No one, realizes i'm here, and they just keep beating him up.

 they are really going at it. His, face, is scratched up, bleeding, he has, three claw marks running down his face. His hair is matted with blood, and it makes me want to cry. I mean no one wants to see there mate like this. NO-ONE.

I am so mad, I start to see red, I shift on instinct and charge the big wolf who is attacking my mate. I jump on him, both me and him, fly onto the ground. Once on the ground, I jump up and we start to circle each other.

A snarl rips through my whole body. I start to growl, and this time, I sound feral. They probably think, i'm a rouge or something. But I'm not, just a possessive alpha. And when they are beating up my mate. I won't take it.

Some one gets into my head and says 'why are you attacking me! I automatically know, that it is the Alpha of this pack.

'well i wouldn't need to, if you weren't attacking my mate.' I tell him.

He gives me a look that says, he is totally confused, but like a light bulb got turned on he gets it and bows down.

Good, I thought to myself. It's a good, thing this alpha knows not to get between mates.

I am going to shift and be totally naked, but I need to help my mate. So that's what I do, I shift right then and there, I never have been one to care about nudity.

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