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"Are we almost there yet?" Jeremy asks for the 100 the time.

"No." Is my dads annoyed answer. I think Jeremy knows that I don't like these people very much, that's why he's trying to annoy them. I'm grateful for that, but he's also annoying.

"Jeremy you ask one more time and I will chop you into little pieces and no one will ever find your body. Do you hear me?" I ask using my alpha tone on him.

"Yes alpha." Jeremy says bowing his head. Me and my group aren't usually so formal but I don't usually have to use my alpha tone either.


Right now my dad is flying us back to my old pack. I wonder if when I left Chris joined my dads pack or he stayed with his and is still getting beaten today. Just the thought makes me angry and I quickly calm my wolf down. I seem to be angry a lot these days.

"Avril." Chris says. I ignore him as I have been for the two hour flight. "Avril please talk to me. I didn't mean to hurt you." He says.

"It doesn't matter what your intentions were because you did hurt me." I snort at him. "But what I want to know is, how long did it take you to realize that you made the worse mistake of your life by rejecting me?" I ask.

"Not very long." he mumbles.

"Good." I say. So that means he had to suffer for a long time without me. I know that that's selfish of me but I don't care.

"Are you going to stay?" Chris asks. I notice my pack members staying silent and glaring at Chris as we talk.

"Me and my pack don't stay in one place for very long. So I don't know." I tell him. He is a very frustrating person.

I turn to Jessie. "So, Are you guys hungry?"

"Heck yes!" They all say at the same time.

"Dad, you have any food?"

"Uh, Yeah." He calls over the attendant, which strangely happens to be male. The flight attendant also know as Jason from what his tag says, winks at me. I bight my lower lip seductively.

His eyes widen as if he didn't believe that I would actually flirt back. Well he was mistaken. I hear Chris growl from the seat across from mine. I roll my eyes and stand up.

I fallow after the flight attendant and into the back part of the plane. "Hey." I whisper in his ear.

"H-Hi." He stutters. I seem to have that affect on men.

"So... Jason? I was wondering..."

I get cut off from the the door that we just came through getting slammed open. Chris comes over, fuming, and pulls me away from Jason. "You can not be with other males!" He growls.

"Your a little to late." I smirk up at him. Over the two years that I've been away I've changed a lot. I used to be so nice and caring. Now the only people I care about are the ones who earn my trust. I'm no longer happy go lucky. I'm cold and distant.

He growls again and then glares at the flight attendant. Jason hurriedly leaves grabbing some waters on his way. Most likely so he doesn't go back to my dad empty handed.

"I'm not the same man I was two years ago! I actually have a spine now! I'm not going to let you treat me like this. Like they used to treat me!" He yells at me and I flinch back. I know I'm treating him badly and coming from his mate it probably hurts ten times more but I feel that he deserves it. Aren't I supposed to love him unconditionally without a doubt?

"Yeah? Well I'm not the same girl that stopped you from getting beaten two years ago either! I don't care about people anymore!" Lie. "You think that your the only one that changed, well you have another thing coming!" I'm pretty sure that all of the others can hear us.

"Oh really? I highly doubt that you changed very much!" He screams at me.

I'm so, so angry. I can hardly breath and I'm shaking. "You rejected me." I say tears coming to my eyes. I haven't cried since the day I left, and I'm about to cry again. "I don't know if you knew this, But I needed you more than you needed me. The only way I was ever going to become an alpha was finding you. I disobeyed my dad for you! You have no clue how much it hurt when you rejected me! I wanted to die!" I scream in his face. Then I turn around and storm back into the seating area.

When I sat back down next to Jeremy he wrapped an arm around my shoulders. I knew he just wanted me to feel better but it wasn't working. Maybe it's that I just saw my mate and the connection is renewed and it makes me feel bad to touch another male.

When Chris walks into the room he glares at Jeremy's arm and sits across from us. "I'm sorry." He whispers leaning forward to look me in the eyes.

"Sorry doesn't always  cut it." I say and ignore him the rest of the way to my old pack.

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