Chapter 4!

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Ah, I'm looking at my MATE! Wait, what is happening to him. He is getting BEAT UP! OKAY WHO EVER IS BEATING UP MY MATE, BETTE BE FOR RUNNING. No one, realizes i'm here, and they just keep beating him up.

 they are really going at it. His, face, is scratched up, bleeding, he has, three claw marks running down his face. His hair is matted with blood, and it makes me want to cry. I mean no one wants to see there mate like this. NO-ONE.

I am so mad, I start to see red, I shift on instinct and charge the big wolf who is attacking my mate. I jump on him, both me and him, fly onto the ground. Once on the ground, I jump up and we start to circle each other.

A snarl rips through my whole body. I start to growl, and this time, I sound feral. They probably think, i'm a rouge or something. But I'm not, just a possessive alpha. And when they are beating up my mate. I won't take it.

Some one gets into my head and says 'why are you attacking me! I automatically know, that it is the Alpha of this pack.

'well i wouldn't need to, if you weren't attacking my mate.' I tell him.

He gives me a look that says, he is totally confused, but like a light bulb got turned on he gets it and bows down.

Good, I thought to myself. It's a good, thing this alpha knows not to get between mates.

I am going to shift and be totally naked, but I need to help my mate. So that's what I do, I shift right then and there, I never have been one to care about nudity.


I kneel down next to my mate. His eyes are closed, but not for long. When I touch his face, his eyes, fling open. "Come on," I tell him going to help him up, his eyes still haven't left mine. I stand up with him, and my dad comes running out of their pack house, with a blanket.

"Everyone go on your way." he yells at all the unwanted attention. I look around and see all of the stares, most male, at my naked form. My dad puts the blanket around me. I smile at him, thankful, for the help, even though I don't need it.

"Are you okay?" My dad asks.

"I Will be once, my mate is okay." I tell him, he looks between me and my mate for a minute. I hear my mate gasp at me calling him mine. My dad frowns at us, and I frown right back.

"Fine." He growls, and walks off, wow you were a lot of help.

"Hey, come on, lets go inside." I tell me mate. He doesn't stop walking, just stands there staring at me. "Are you okay, they didn't do too much brain damage, did they?" I ask totally joking trying to lighten the mood, he doesn't see it like that though. His face automatically pales, and he get's a look of a puppy after getting kicked.

"Oh so you are going to reject me." He says, looking like it hurts him to to speak, the truth.

"Ah, hell naw." I say, "If you think you're getting rid of me that easy you have another thing coming." I tell him.

"Well, I guess you do deserve someone bett- wait what?" he cuts himself off.

"I said, 'if you think your getting rid-

He cuts me off, then says, "I know what you said, I just can't believe you said it." he states, looking a little flustered.

"Well I meant every word of it. I've traveled around 20 packs to find my mate, you think once I find him, I'm going to reject him. You must be crazy." He looks at me, from head to toe.

"But I'm the Omega." He states, like it changes everything.

"No your not, you're an alpha." I tell him. He gives me a look like, I'm crazy.

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