Chapter 13

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When we got back to the pack the first thing that happened is I got tackled. By Carlyle. She must have really really missed me.

"I'm so happy your alive!!! I thought you died! You know how much you scared me! I should hate you! Oh, but I can't hate you, you're my best friend. But I'm still mad."

"Okay, Carlyle, I get it. You're happy I'm safely back, and you made at me. Its okay to breathe." I close my eyes and rub my temples. Not even here five minutes and I already have a headache. Thanks Carlyle.

"Sorry." She smiles sheepishly.

"Don't worry about it. So what are we gonna do daddy dearest?" I question.

"Well first we have to go over combining the packs." He says, I can tell he's just as sick of this as I am, I had to have gotten my impatiences from somewhere.

"Uh, funny. I already told you I'm not joining your pack, and neither are my pack mates." I glare at him. I knew he would do this. He just wanted me to say yes. So thinking of the old me he decided he would ask in front of my old pack and I would feel like I had to. Little did he know the old me died when Chris rejected me.

"Come on Avril. You need to, it's the only way to keep you safe." Chris pleads his voice rising in volume.

"No." I snap at him. "You lost you right to tell me what to do when you rejected me! I'm not just going to crawl back to you. I would rather take my chances with all of the wolves, hunters, vampires, and all of the other creatures that want me dead." I huff in irritation, I see that I might be being stubborn but I don't really care because I well... don't.

"Avril I am your father and until you turn eighteen you will do as I say. You are moving in and joining packs." He says using alpha command. Stupid stupid father. If it didn't work two years ago, what make you think it will work now?

"I don't care what you have to say on the subject any more. It's my decision and it's already been made, get over it. Now me and my pack came with out a fight, lets keep it that way and tell me what needs to be told so we can get out of your hair." 

"Okay, I get it, you don't need us." I here John, Carlyle's mate, say. "But we need you. Ever since you've been gone everything has been out of wack. Our pack has been fighting a lot. Everyone is blaming Everyone for you leaving, and we've been getting in trouble with other packs. We need you Avril." John says pleading with me.

This got my attention and everyone knows it. As much of a bitch as I am, I still take pride in what I do, I still care for my old pack no matter how bad they screwed me over. And John knew it. How he knew it I don't know, but it doesn't matter.

"What do you need me to do." I sigh. Of course.

"We just need you bac-"

"Okay shut up I get that you need me back. But me simply coming back isn't going to change any of that. Dad either you give your pack to me to let me lead, or you don't get any help from me at all. This was already supposed to be my pack anyway. If you don't freely give it I will challenge you for it and we all know I will win. Plus you will not be allowed to live on this territory anymore and I might even kill you. So I suggest you make your choice wisely."

After my shot speech every one just stare between me and my father. 

"I- I can't just give it to you..." He says.

"Well then you've already made your choice. Dad, Father, Alpha Jenx. I challenge you for your pack." I say and then shift into my beautiful wolf.

It only takes seconds for me to be in my wolf form, but I still feel everything. Every bone breaking, my feet or paws webbing together. My sight getting better. I hear the rip of my clothes as they no longer fit me. I feel everything, anything, and nothing all at the same time.

I pounce on my dad and get a sense of Déjà vu, But I keep going, at least he changed before I reached him, unlike last time. I just nip at him at first seeing if he'll surrender but he doesn't. His pride won't let him. So this time when I lunge I take out a nice sized piece of flesh. 

He growls and goes to bight me. This is so not a fair fight. I feel so bad for my dad. I can't see my eyes but I know their turning red. I can feel my body heating up, and unlike the first fight I had with my dad, I now know how to control it.

I hear gasps, and I know they don't know where the fire came from but it surrounds both me and my father, blocking out any eye witness. I lunge at my father again and this time I pin him. My mouth around his throat.

I change into my human form and let go of my father. "Now you can leave my pack and never come back, or I can kill you right now. We all know that I can." I say, not actually wanting to kill my father. But he did bring this upon himself.

"I'll go, and Avril?"


"I still love you." He says and then he shifts into is wolf again and jumps through the flames and I know I most likely won't see him again.

Sorry for all of the mistakes in this chapter and it's shortness, but I find I like keeping is short. makes it easier and more interesting, in my opinion anyways. so thanks for reading it and I have no clue when the next chapter will be up.

Bye Love Tay ♥

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