chapter two

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After two long hours trapped in that car, I am mentally and physically pooped.

Who could have known ridding in a car for that long could be so exosting? I sure as hell didn't! And I think Carlyl feels the same as I do.

All I want to do is go take a shower to get the sticky sweat from the intense hours in a car off of me. Then I want to go curl up in a ball on my temporary bed. Since we have an unsuspected visitor, I'll have to ask for another room.

I sound like I'm staying at a motel. Well, I'm not, I'm talking about the packs pack house. Most of the time, the pack house is pretty huge. Sometimes, like my pack, they even have two houses.

I really don't see the need in it. But hey, it comes in handy when you pick up a random person off the street.

Now back to the matter at hand! I have to go get freshened up, then I have to go and socialize.

I don't think its necessary but oh well, I'll just get it over with. Yup, that's me, always being the optimistic one.

Now that I think that, I can't help but agree with myself. I love people, I always like to have fun, and most of the time i look for the good in things instead of the bad.

Any way, I walk into the house, that I will be staying in, and I can't help but admire it. I've seen a lot of nice pack houses but this one is most definitely in the top three. There's a grand stair case, with a Chandler. Then when you walk through a door and you see a hall way, I choose to go left and come to what looks like a living room.

"Wow this place is pretty." I realize I'm not alone like I expected, and turn to see...

... Carlyl. Oh, I expected it to be the boogie women. Hey, I'm not dumb enough to hear a girls voice and think it's the boogie man.

"Yeah it is." I agree with her. We hear laughing and Carlyl immediately steps behind me. Ah poor girl, I wonder what she's been through.

"Hey, Jace, do you think the new girl visiting our land will be hot?" some guy asks, no one yet realizing that we are here, we meaning Carlyl and I.

"Yeah, I heard she's trying to find her mate. And I don't think, I know. My dad had a picture of her, He showed me. So I could in press her." They turn a corner, I know thanks to my super hearing.

"Well that won't be hard, it's pretty easy to impress me." I say shrugging casually. In walks a boy probably around 20 with four other guys most likely the same age. The one in front is, lets put it in PG rating, Hot.

"Hey gorgeous." The guy in front says. I smirk at him.

"Hey, and this is my friend, Carlyl." I say stepping out from in front of her. She gives me a look saying,'WTF.' I just laugh and shake my head.

I notice that one guy out of them all is staring at her. He has nice soft looking brown hair, brown almost black eyes, and perfect white teeth. I know this cause his mouth is hagging open, staring at my friend in 'awe.'

"Hey get your own hobo!" I say to the guy but then realize what I said. I look to Carlyl who is staring back at the guy with the same expression. What the french fries batman.

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