chapter 1 - We Need to Talk About Sabrina

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(Song:) Locomotive Breath - Jethro Tull

From 7.23 "Survival of the Fittest", on the road, The Impala drove down the road quickly. Catty's Mustang skidded slightly after turning a corner, coming from a different direction. Catty's Mustang and the Impala turned a corner together, in the same direction, driving down the road, speeding.

Dean Winchester: (voice over from 1.02 Wendigo) "I think Dad wants us to pick up where he left off. Saving people. Hunting things. The family business."

 From 7.13 "The Slice Girls", in Sam and Catty's Motel Room, Dean shot Emma the Amazon in the chest, killing her, making her fall to the floor.

From 7.05 "Shut Up, Dr. Phil", in Jenny's Apartment, Dean kicked in the door, running inside. Sam and Catty Winchester followed.  

From 7.14 "Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie", in the street, Sam stood, shooting Midget 1 twice, sending glitter flying, but it didn't seem injured.

From 7.07 "The Mentalists", in 809 1/2 Main Street, Jimmy Tomorrow turned toward a knife on the table, grabbing it, turning toward Catty. Catty drew her gun, shooting Jimmy in the head, killing him, watching his body fall to the floor.  

From 7.05 "Shut Up, Dr. Phil", in the Stark House, Sam, Dean and Catty were standing together. Dean was carrying the bowl. Sam stroke a match, dropping it into the bowl, making it catch fire. White smoke and steam rose. 

From 7.08 "Season 7, It's Time for a Wedding!", in the restaurant, Catty slit Guy the Crossroads Demon's throat with more force than she had to, furious, killing him, making him flash with red, watching him gasp for breath, falling to the floor.


From 6.22 "The Girl Who Knew Too Much", in the warehouse, Balthazar the Angel stood behind Octavia the Angel's shoulder now. An Angel Blade pierced through Octavia's chest from behind, through her heart, making her gasp in pain.

Castiel the Angel looked on in shocked horror and denial, angry. "No!" Octavia had blood trickling down her chin, gasping. Balthazar took the blade out of Octavia's back, letting her fall to the floor. Castiel watched in horror, unable to do anything to save Octavia. "Ava..."

Light exploded out of Octavia's body. Her wings seared onto the concrete on either side of her. Her arms aligned with the wings.

From 6.22 "The Girl Who Knew Too Much", in the warehouse, Sam stumbled his way inside, stopping cold on the stairs in shocked denial, not yet processing. "No." He walked closer to Octavia's body in the middle of her seared wings on the floor. "No. Ava!"

Sam knelt next to Octavia's body, pulling her into his arms, tears in his eyes, despaired and in denial. He was devastated, losing Octavia so soon after getting his memories back.

From 7.08 "Season 7, It's Time for a Wedding!", in Little White Chapel, Ness took Dean's ring from Catty behind her. She put the ring on Dean's finger.

Dean took Ness' ring from Sam behind him. "I do."

Dean put the ring on Ness' finger.

Ness smiled. "I do."

Catty, Bobby, Sam and Octavia were smiling small smiles. Ness deepened the kiss passionately, wrapping her arms around Dean's neck, bouquet still in hand. They continued to kiss in front of the altar.

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