chapter 8 - Hunteri Heroici

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From 8.05 "Blood Brother", in Amelia's motel room, Sam was sitting in front of Amelia. "You have no one. I mean, at all, right?"

From 8.06 "Southern Comfort", in Amelia's motel room, Sam and Amelia were in bed together.

Amelia had her head on Sam's chest."My husband. He died in Afghanistan eight months ago."

From 8.05 "Blood Brother", in the fuel barge, Ness was leaning against the wall. Dean was leaning forward against the table. He stood straight, turning to give Ness a look.

"Don't look at me like that," Ness told him. "I'm fine. Honest. If I wasn't, you'd know it. I'll talk. When I'm ready."

From 8.06 "Southern Comfort", outside the motel, Catty turned to follow Sabrina.

Ness hesitated for a moment. "Hey, Catty." Catty stopped, turning to face her. "I, uh..." Ness sighed. "You were right."

"About?" Catty asked.

"Dean and I didn't tell you, Sam and Sabrina... everything," Ness told her. She sighed, leaning against the Impala. "I thought I was handling it better than I actually am. I was sadly mistaken. Just... trying to believe that I was okay."

Catty slowly leaned against the Impala next to Ness. "Okay."

"So, you and I..." Ness trailed off. "We're gonna have a talk."

"About?" Catty asked.

Ness exhaled, looking at Catty. "About Purgatory."

Catty was only slightly surprised, nodding.

From 8.02 "What's Up, Tiger Mommy", in the Vampire's Nest, There were closeups of Ness' bloody, filthy body. She was covered in sweat, blood and filth. There were sounds of growling Vampires and closeups of Vampire fangs. Ness looked to be barely alive, glaring toward the Vampires.

Sam: (voice over from 8.06 Southern Comfort) "What are you trying to run from?"

Ness: (voice over from 8.06 Southern Comfort) "I'm not running from anything."

From 8.07 "A Little Slice of Kevin", in the motel room on the girls' side, Ness was sitting on one bed. Catty was lying on the other. Sabrina was asleep, nestled in against Catty.

Catty gazed off. "Push it away, try to run away from it, try to forget about it. Try to convince yourself that you're okay so you can try to move on with your life. But I'll give it to you. You're not drinking. You're not violent. You're not pushing it so down below where you think you're going to explode. You're actually dealing with it so logically, that it's kind of annoying. Sam was right. You are running."

Ness hesitated, nodding. "You're right. I can't slow down, either, Catty."

From 8.02 "What's Up, Tiger Mommy?", in the Vampire's Nest, There were flashes of Vampires feeding from Ness, having her nearly dead, and several Vampires having Ness pinned against a tree, rock or ground, looking at her intently, feeding from her neck, some looking as if they weren't biting her, but kissing her roughly, pushing back her hair, pulling at her black tank top and shorts, becoming more and more rough. One grabbed her by the back of her head, moving forcefully, pushing back the leg of her black shorts. Ness was too weak, too close to death to stop them.

Ness: (voice over from 8.07 A Little Slice of Kevin) "If I slow down, then I'll start thinking about it, and I don't want to think about it. Even though it's the only thing I can think about half the time."  

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