Chapter 5-

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When I woke up it was only 8pm so I decided to go to the rovers and work for an hour or so. I walked inside and started serving people with Michelle and Steve. "Where are you staying then?" Michelle asked me "at nicks flat for now until my flat is sorted out and everything that was insured is replaced with new ones" I replied "good" she replied . I carried on working and went back to the flat when it was getting late. I sat on the sofa in the flat and drank some wine when I received a message from David "you need to come to the hosp ASAP! It's nick , he's awake!" . I quickly grabbed my bag and the spare keys from nick and Locked the door, I ran over to Michelle "chelle can you give us a ride to the hospital, David just texted me , nicks awake!" I panicked " alright one second" she replied and ran to get her car keys . We got inside and rushed to the hospital. Before Michelle could even stop the car I had opened the door and ran inside the hospital and entered the unit . Reaching up to his room. I burst through the door and stood smiling as I saw nick laughing with David. A tear ran down my cheek "Carla!...." Nick smiled as he saw me . He sat up and I walked over and hugged him and cried "don't cry silly I am fine" he whispered . I broke from the hug and put my two hands on the side of his cheeks and kissed him on the lips . "I'm glad you're ok" I laughed . He smirked and hugged me again. Gail and David left with Michelle so it was just me and nick "nick?...." I said "Carla?" He replied "remember when you said about us ?" I asked "you mean us being a couple?" He asked back "yeah" I said "what about what I said " he asked me "I want to..." I told him . "You do?!" He sat up and smirked "yeah ...I'm ready , I've realised now that....I" I said before he interrupted "that you need me and that you love me?" He smiles "I heard you when I was in the coma Carla " he added "you did?" I asked "yeah of course I did!" He laughed "come here" he said putting his arms out , I laid on the bed next to him as we hugged and chatted for the rest of the night. We both fell fast asleep .

I woke up in the morning to nick still fast asleep I got up and went downstairs to the cafe shop and got some of nicks favourite snacks and drinks , paying for them I went back up to his room where he had woken up "ahh there you are I was wondering where you went!" He laughs "I just went to buy you some snacks and drinks that's all" I said "thanks alright?" He asked "yeah I'm fine nick" I replied . After we talked I said goodbye and went back home and got changed in nick'a flat and went over to the rovers and had a quick drink before serving "how Is he?" Michelle asked me "he's getting there , they said hopefully he can come home in a couple of days" I said "that's good . So you two back together yet?" Michelle smirked "maybe.....ok yes we are " I replied. "Yay!" She squealed "let's get back to work" I said changing the subject. I finished my drink and started to serve people, it was dead in the pub so I just sat down and waited until more customers came in . After serving them I decided to take the afternoon off and let Sean take over for a bit. I walked to my car and got in driving back to the hospital but stopped at KFC on the way and got nick some food. I arrived at the hospital and walked into the unit. I entered his room , he was fast asleep snoring . I sat on the chair next to him and got some chicken out and placed it under his nose, he opened his mouth and ate it . He opened one Of his eyes and chuckled "I could smell that before you even entered and I knew it was you so I waited until you did that" he laughed . "I got you some just incase you were hungry " I laughed back "you did the right thing haha" he smiled . We both sat in silence eating some chips and chicken "so...has the doctor said anything ?" I asked "nah...only that I can come back home in two days " he replied munching on some of the chicken "that's good plus I want you to come home but not in two days....more like now" I chuckled. He put his hand on top of mine "I will be back before you know it Carla ...I promise" he said "you better ...what about Erica?" I asked "we broke up remember Carla , we don't love each other anymore" he replied "ok" I mumbled . We finished our foods and I went outside and put them in the bin when I turned back around to walk back to the unit I bumped into peter "Carla? What are you doing here?" He asked "none of your business....anyway why are you here?" I asked not caring "I've just found out my ex passed away and her daughter has no one to live with so I've just seen her body , her adopted daughter is inside seeing her so I came out to wait for her " he explained "oh sorry about your ex " I said "whatever ... " he said. A teenaged girl came out with long brown curly hair and brown eyes and flawless skin . "Peter? I've finished seeing her" she said, "shall we go then? Where did you say Bethany lived? " he asked her "weather field coronation street" she spoke "Bethany platt ??" I asked "yeah how do you know her?" She asked "I live in coronation street too" I replied "could you take her for me?" Peter begged "yeah sure" I replied "tar I owe you one" he said "you don't owe me anything peter so don't start " I replied.  "Just let me say goodbye to nick first" I said to the girl "ok I'll wait here" she said smiling . I ran into the unit and to his room "hey nick I've just got to go back home for an hour or two I'll be back tonight promise ok?" I spoke fast "slow down Carla and yeah I'll see you tonight...just come here" he said putting his arms out. I walked over and hugged him. He pulled away and put his hand on my cheek and kiss my lips. I walked away and walked to the car with the girl. We got inside the car drove to coronation street, we finally arrived after being stuck in traffic . "Thanks for the's Madison conner" she said before walking " problem" I said. I walked to the rovers and rushed over to Michelle still staring into space "carla?" Michelle said "carla!" She shouted. I looked at her and smiled "you alright? Look like you've seen a ghost" she laughed "she's here chelle!" I whispered "who is here?" She asked "Madison is here....she was with peter at the hospital and she needed to come here to see Bethany platt and that was before I even knew her name and then we got out the car and she said thanks for the ride and that her name is Madison conner! " I rushed my sentence and started shaking . She pulled me into the back room "are you sure it was her?" She asked pacing up and down "yes! When she said her name and I looked at her face I just was really her chelle!" I panicked . I ran out the back and ran to my car and drove off to the hospital for no reason and ran into nicks room "hey! " he smiled "hey.....Carl what's wrong ! What's happened ?" He asked I just ran over and hugged him "I saw peter outside and his ex apparently died , the ex adopted daughter has nowhere to live and she wanted to see your Bethany so Peter asked me to take her so I did and when we got back she said thanks for the ride and then she said her name is madison......Madison conner" I explained "you know her?" He asked "she's my daughter very first baby...I had to give her up because I wasn't aloud to keep her as I wasn't married I was sick so I couldn't look after her" I lied him "hey that's good....what did she look like?" He asked "she had flawless skin, long wavy brown hair and chocolate button eyes she was perfect nick!" I smiled.

Madison POV
I walked to Bethany's home and knocked on her door. An older lady answered it "hello may I help you?" She said "is Bethany here? Bethany platt?" I asked politely "yeah one second dear" she smiled "bethany! There is someone at the door her name is....." She said and looked at me "madison" I answered "madison!" She finished shouting. I heard my long lost best friend screaming and running to door , se stood opposite me and smiled "Bethy!!" I squealed "maddie!!" She squealed back as we hugged each other tight "I've miss you so much! What are you doing here from Milan !?" She asked me "I came to see you but it's also because I have nowhere to mum died" I said "your birth one!?" She dropped her smile "no....the horrible one that I've had to live with" I said "could I possibly stay here for a bit?" I asked "sure, come in I want to hear all the gossip and the deets about school and your relationship with Joseph " she said as we walked into the livingroom . "I'm Gail...Bethany's grandmother and that is David , her uncle" Gail introduced "my other uncle is in hospital " Beth added "why aren't you lot down there seeing him then?" I asked "Carla which is his girlfriend is down there" Gail said "she wasn't when I was about to leave the hospital because my foster mums ex husband was talking to a girl called Carla and Carla brought me here " I explained "oh did she?" David asked "yeah what's her last name ?" I asked as Beth handed me a drink "conner.....Carla conner" Gail replied as I took a sip. I spat it out "did you just say that her last name is conner?" I asked "yeah why?" She asked " you think that Carla could be my.....birth mum?" I asked as I turned to her , her eyes widened and her mouth made an O shape "how would she be your birth mum anyway?" Gail asked "because my last name is conner! My name is Madison conner ....I was adopted when I was one years old!" I explained "mads she's your birth mum!" Beth squealed "she'!" I squealed back in shock.

Sorry guys chapter 5 was late , battery dies and charger broke 🙈 chapter 6 is up tomorrow hope everyone likes this fanfic so far xx don't forget to vote and comment other ideas. Bye from libby xx

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