Chapter 30

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Carla POV
I woke up early to the front door shutting, I turned over and realised nick wasn't there , I sat up an sighed, I felt so angry but depressed, tears started to slowly flow down my cheek and without noticing a hand placed on my cheek wiping a tear away, I turned to find Maddie sitting beside me, I burst out in tears and she hugged me tightly "it's ok mum.....he won't be able to set foot in this house ever again anyway ....come on let's get this stuff" she said , I nodded and got out of bed putting my robe on , maddie ran and got a few bin bags while I threw everything on the bed as maddie picked them up and placed them inside the bin bags, it took us a while considering every single thing he has is in the flat and many were in the wash so we had to throw them in even if they were wet.

Throwing the last few clothes on the bed , I was finally finished , nick wasn't going to be back until at least 2pm so I just left the bin bags full of clothes outside the bedroom, me and Maddie sat down at the table and decided to eat something , Jackson was in his play area gurgling. It was only half 8 so I got up from my seat and walked in the bedroom to get changed, Maddie did the same as we are both working in the factory until 1 , I decided to wear something winter-y instead since it's November , I picked out a wooly jumper and leggings with my high heeled boots , brushing my hair I grabbed my bag and phone leaving the bedroom, I sat on the sofa while I waited for Maddie to come out so we could get going .

She finally came through wearing a dark blue jumper and leggings with doc Martin boots with a messy bun "ready?" She said "yeah come on let's go" I replied, I picked up Jackson and took the keys as we both got out the flat, after locking the door we walked down the stairs and out Victoria court, I sighed and quickly walked over to Gail's , maddie knocked on the door for us as we waited up to 3 minutes until Bethany answered in her pjs "are you sick?" I asked "no It's my day off so I though I'd just stay in my pjs all day , do you want me to look after Jackson again?" She asked "would you mind? I'll come and pick him back up at 4" I begged "sure it's not a problem , I'm always here in you need me to look after him and that includes maddie" she chuckled picking up Jackson "Oi! Cheeky! " Maddie laughed , I really just wanted to get to work already, I don't we feel sad or angry , just numb . "Mummmm?" Maddie waved her arm in front of my face, "sorry....shall we get going then?" I sighed "yeah come on, see you later Bethany" she replied "bye you two!" Bethany shouted as we walked next door where the factory was "are you sure you are ok?" Maddie asked before stepping inside "yeah I'm sure" I replied and quickly entered so I can just focus on the work to distract myself .

I sat in the office doing paperwork, Johnny was off on his day off , Aiden went to see a client with Kate so Maddie ended up filling in for if on the machine while Eva filled in Kate , I noticed nick walked into the factory and was eyeing Maddie , she gave him a cold stare at him before he eventually knocked on the door "come in" I mumbled, he knocked again "I said come in" I said louder, he came in and kissed my head, "here.... I though you'd might like a coffee " he smiled "tar .....what time are you coming back again?" I asked "half 2 why?" He replied asking "just wondering" I said flicking through some papers "ok well I better get going so I'll see you later " he said before kissing me "I love you" he looks into my eyes like the way he did when we met.....the love in his eyes showed ....and I just knew he must of regretted the affair, maybe it was a one night stand? He couldn't of really be going behind my back....he just doesn't seem like the kind of guy to do that .... I didn't know what to believe but I planned on finding out this afternoon when he comes home . "I love you too" I replied kissing him back. He walked out the office shouting the door and leaving the factory, I laid back in my chair with thoughts running through my head , I was so confused , angry and upset and then numb. I kept taking a few sips of my coffee before getting back to work.

A few hours later
It was 10 to 1 by the time I was already finished , both me and Maddie sat in the office mainly talking , she wouldn't stop going on about what was going to happen with nick "I don't know Maddie but I need to hear him out first .... Let me talk to him first" i said to her "fine but you better not let him weasel his way back in!" She said "what if it was a mistake!? He couldn't of though it was me! You did say it was dark when you went in anyway ! Or it could of just been a misunderstanding one night stand!" I explained "then I'll apologise but until then I'm staying angry at him and I'll hate him " she said folding her arms " come on let's get back home....I want to get this over and done with , I have to find out what's going on" I sighed putting my jacket on slowly, and grabbing my bag while Maddie grabs her phone. We both lock the office and then turn off the machines, we locked the front doors of the factory and made our way back to the flat . "Carla wait up!" I heard nick call, I stopped in my tracks hike Maddie turned around but carried on "how come your out early?" I asked "I got time off earlier so we could spend the day together " he said "well guess'll be spending it talking and explaining " I said and carried on walking "what do you mean??" He asked following me . He kept asking me what was going on all the way up to the flat. "JUST WAIT WILL YOU!" I shouted as we got in . I walked outside to the bedroom and picked up most of the bin bags and threw them in front of his feet "you're moving out that's what!" I shouted "Carla listen to me! Let me explain " he begged "what? That you're sorry you've had an affair with my best friend? How long has it been going on for?" I asked "it was a one night stand! I though she was you! I was drink and I didn't know what I was doing! And more to it, Leanne was the one who was all over me , I pushed her away I swear but my mind started playing tricks and your face appeared and....I swear to you Carla I would never eve have an affair behind your back! I love you! And only you!" He explained "how come you're always up early and out before breakfast then?" I asked "Robert asked me to come in early to help him with some of the deliveries that were coming in and he couldn't carry them all by himself" he said "really?" , "yeah! I promise you ! I love you Carla!" He pulled my waist in and looked at me, he kissed me and kissed him back "am I forgiven?" he asked "yes.....if you can make a promise that you'll tell me if something like this happens that way I don't have to sit around all day thinking you've done something like an affair to me ok?" I chuckled "I promise " he whispered and kissed me again.

YAY looks like Narla is still together after all! What will happen if peter comes crawling?? (SPOLIERS) comment if you think peter and Carla should have an affair and get together again or should nick and Carla be soul mates until the end?? 😆 (new update soon) xxx luv you guys xxx libby xx

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