Chapter 16

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A week later
Madison POV
I woke up late, it was half 11, I stayed up late talking to Simon until 1am saying how excited I was for my birthday, I turned my phone on and looked at my lock screen of me and Simon smiling and holding hands, I smiled and got up, as I entered the main room there stood, mum, peter, nick, Michelle , Steve, Leanne and Simon "surprise!!!" They all shouted "awe guys!! Thank you so much!" I gasped, mum came up and hugged me, so did everyone else and then Simon came up last "happy birthday princess" he said hugging me and kissed me on the lips , I sat down with everyone and opened my cards and presents, Simon gave me a picture frame with us two inside and a "our love is unconditional " printed stylishly on the top and a "I love you" at the bottom, Leanne have me a bracelet with cute charms, peter gave me a new phone "how did you get all the money for that!?" I asked him "I saved my wages from work plus I got Simon one too" he laughed, Michelle and Steve got me some books as I loved to read and also a cute onesie , nick got me new shoes that I always wanted , I squeezed him as I thanked him "alright alright don't kill me" he chuckled, I sat back down and opened my gift from mum , she had got an photo album "what's in here?" I asked "all the baby photo I only ever had and now you CBS out all the others inside and make it like a book of your life also I got you this" she said based me a wrapped present , I opened it and it was a long necklace with a locket on the end "you could put a picture of Scarlett inside" mum suggested "yeah....I will thanks mum!" I smiled and hugged her , we all sat and talked for an hour or so, me and Simon left the flat after I had gotten changed , we walked hand in hand over to the park , we sat on the swings to talk "so... I wanted to talk to you...." Simon spoke "what about?" I asked "last night my dad asked me if I wanted to go and live with him in three months" he said "what! What about us! What will we do!?" I asked "but that's the thing.....peter said you could come along with us at anytime....not in three months but hopefully a next year once everything has settled down after the baby is born dad really wants to spend some proper time with us....he never got that when I was little and he wants to be there for you more than he is now" he explained "si....I'd love to come but....I've got my family to think next year is our GCSE's and I don't want to miss out on it.....I want to be able to get all the qualifications I can for a future job for money to buy my own flat or my own house for when I'm older" I said "ok....whenever you want to come....I'll always be there to pick you up from your flight" he chuckled "this is serious Simon ! I won't see you for ages and we only have three months! It will be gone too quickly! I don't want it to end ! Even though I want to come to stay with you I want to stay here and be with my mum! Because we never got to have that mother and daughter relationship growing up ....and I want to recreate them with her " I said "I know you do....but we can always call each later and text each other ....even FaceTime yeah?" He suggested "yeah but I'd rather we were in Person ....not on a video call! " I said "I'm sorry maddie" he said "it's alright" I mumbled, we sat in silence or ages until I heard a familiar voice "well well well if it isn't the couple of the year....a mixture of stupidity and slutness's a perfect match isn't it?" Joseph said behind us smirking "get out of here before I throw you on the street In front of everyone " Simon threatened him "oooooo I'm so scared !" Joseph laughed "you'd better do a runner mate.....she's poison and she always will be......looks like she's already bit you hasn't she? Well she is a little slag anyway " Joseph smirked, Simon punched him and threw him out on the street outside the bistro , Simon let him go and yet stood face to face "is that the best you got ey!?" Joseph shouted "stay away from maddie and stay away from her family!" Simon shouted at him , the websters , windass , the platts and everyone else in the street all stood around from their houses an watched "Simon please!" I begged him, "aww looks like she's desperate mate" Joseph chuckled, Simon punched him and hit him, Joseph got hold of him and threw him on the floor hitting him, Simon go back up and they kept hitting each other "stop it will you!!!" I screamed , Nick and peter ran over and pulled them off "Simon stop it's not worth it!" Peter said to him "and as for you get lost!" Nick said to Joseph and let him go, he walked away , peter let go of Simon , "what were you playing at!" Leanne shouted at Simon "he said all sorts to Maddie and kept saying horrible names! Did you expect me to let him off!" He shouted "no but you could of at least walked away and ignored him si!" Michelle said as she stood next to Leanne. "Simon.....I know  he's saying things but you got to leave him , think about the next three months.... I don't want you to leave after fighting with him at all si !" I said " I know and I'm sorry alright" he said as he hugged me, "what do you mean when he leaves!" Michelle asked "I asked si if he wanted to come and live with me " peter said "and I said he could " Leanne added "but I also was asking if maddie wanted to come too" peter also said "are you seriously stupid! She's only just got her family back and now you're taking her away!" Nick and Michelle shouted "guys it's fine! I'm not going in three months but I might do later next year once my GCSE's are done " I explained "but we want you longer than that!" Michelle said in a sad voice "what's going on!?" Mum shouted walking over "peter! That's what! He has asked Simon to live with him and with him saying yes he's also asking Maddie to go too!" Michelle explained "what! What are you playing at! I've only just got my daughter back! And you're taking her away!" Mum yelled "Carla don't....not here" nick said to her "no nick!" She shouted "will all of you calm the fuck down! I'm not going in three months with then I might be going later next year alright! So you still have time left with me so just calm down the lot of you" I shouted raising my voice , as I finished I walked back to the flat, everyone did, it was already 2pm so I spent 2 hours with Simon watching films in my bedroom, as it was 4pm, everyone went home to get changed , I wore a white crop top, tights, shorts , converse and a tecshirt (dunno how you spell it lol) I applied my makeup on and soon left the house with mum, nick, Michelle and Steve, we met up with everyone else in town outside the restaurant, we got inside and sat down , I sat next to Simon, Leanne sat opposite him and mum sat opposite me, Steve sat next to Leanne while Mitchelle sat opposite him next to Simon nick sat between me and mum and peter sat between Steve and Michelle . "What drink do you all want? It's on me" peter said getting up and counting his money "glass of orange juice for me and michelle" mum said "bear for me and Steve mate " nick said "wine for me" Leanne said "coke " me and Simon both said, peter walked over to the bar and ordered some drinks , he soon came back with some drinks , we talked for a bit and then ordered food, me and Simon ordered chicken burger and chips, mum and Michelle ordered a roast , nick and Leanne ordered beef burgers and chips while peter and Steve ordered steak and chips.

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