Chapter 29

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Carla POV
I stayed at the factory instead of running after maddie, I decided to just let her calm down and think this through. Aiden and Johnny had left to go to a client while Kate finished off helping kirk with the boxes before I was going to move her to using one of the machines . A knock appeared on the door "I said I didn't want to be disturbed" I shouted while reading some paperwork "Carla!" Michelle laughed "oh Michelle I didn't mean
You, you can come in!" I chuckled, she came inside and sat opposite me "so what can I do for you babe?" I asked slumbering backing into my chair "nothing really , I was just wondering when you'd are going to maybe look at wedding dresses?" She smirked and gave a big cheesy smile "Michelle! It's too early! He only proposed yesterday!" I said "yeah I know but I can't wait! I need to look at them with you! I wanna help make this wedding for you and nick as perfect as it can be" she giggled "alright.....we can look at them tomorrow in town maybe?" I suggested " ok great, half 6 in the morning then" she smiled and jumped up from where she sat "Oi! I am not waking up at stupid o'clock just for you!" I said before she left the room "I was joking babe, half 1 at least yeah? Gives me time I find those wedding magazines I had picked out before my wedding " she squealed and skipped out the factory, I sat back and though about if this is right or was the same with peter it went a bit too fast and sooner or later I found out about the affair with Tina.....I was getting suspicious lately with nick aswell, he always left for work early , I was praying and hoping he wasn't doing anything behind my back because he literally was the one...... I loved him but if I'd find out he was.....he wouldn't be seeing Jackson again.

It was half past 7 at night as I was just about to finish one more paperwork when the door creaked open making me jump , maddie ran through , she was upset and angry "mum.....I don't know if I should tell you this or not because everything is going perfectly with you two and I'm just angry having to see him!" She cried and then shouts in anger "what!? Maddie tell what's happened! It's not your dad is it?" I asked "no! It's nick!" She replied "what about him Maddie! is he ok? Has something happened?" I kept asking "yes he's fine!" She said "then what?" I asked "HE'S HAVING AN AFFAIR!.....with Leanne ......I'm so sorry mum.... I shouldn't of told you but I didn't want to see you get hurt! But I don't want you two to split either " she shouted and then calmed down "'s ok! But I can't stay with him any longer if he's having an affair can I!? Where are they now!?" I asked "the flat....I'd of guessed Leanne went home and nick put clothes on especially with me walking in on them so yeah" she replied "right then....let's give them a piece of my mind " I said grabbing my bag and jacket "mum don't! Your not thinking straight! You have to do it properly! Wait until tomorrow..." She said stopping me "tomorrow!? Your expecting me to sleep next to him when my best friend has just already slept there !?" I interrupted "no! Mum just listen to me! Wait until tomorrow yeah? And then when he goes off to work early pack all his clothes in bags and once you've it everything of his throw then out the window or scatter them across the cobbles...." I suggested "ok....but don't think he will see Jackson again because he won't! I can easily go to court and ban him from seeing Jackson " I said "ok but how?" She asked "by using his past, he's brain damaged , he had a drinking problem, lashed out on Simon once too many times " I said "ok good.......mum? Didn't nick pick up jackson? He would of been in the flat wouldn't he?" She gasped as she realised "oh my god......the two faced cow! Please don't tell me he left the baby in his cot while he was doing it with her!" I shouted , I put my jacket on and stormed out, I don't care if it was getting late and I don't care if he can't sleep anywhere but I'm not having him staying at the flat tonight.

Madison POV
Mum stormed out and was walking towards the flat "mum! Think about what you are doing! Wait until tomorrow before you throw nick out! I know he's had the affair but do it to him when he lease expects it!" I stopped her halfway "fine..." Mum mumbled , I noticed peter was standing on the other side and was walking over "everything alright love?" He asked me "no! It isn't peter! Nick and Leanne are having an affair behind my back ok? " mum said before I could even spoke and she walked back to the flat again "sorry, she's only just found out anyway " I said and ran after mum again.

We both entered the flat , it was quiet so I walked in Jackson's room to make sure he was still there, he sat up in his cot playing about "babbie!" He gurgled , he still couldnt say my name properly so he just calls me babbie instead of Maddie, I picked him up and gave him a kiss on his chubby cheek , nick came out of the bathroom "did you tell her maddie?" He whispered "no! But I'm not keeping the secret any longer !" I replied. "Please! It won't happen again I promise!" He begged "if I had a fiver for every time someone has said that to me..." I said and placed Jackson back in his bed and gave him one of his toys to play with , I left the room and went in my bedroom and got changed into my pjs and sat in bed on my phone , I heard my mum and nick whispering in the bedroom but soon stopped , I realised they must of went to sleep so I turned off the light and drifted off in bed.

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