~ Adriana POV ~
Well I convinced Cammie to come to the party knowing that she's gonna see me in action. She's was okay with whatever knowing that she's going to be in good hands for the rest of the party. I had to buy her a bullet proof dress from someone that I knew for a every long time. I guess she got kinda scared when I was looking and buying certain types of guns that will be use tonight just in case. This is our family business whatever happens but gotta keep our love ones safe no matter what.
We get to the party early, early enough for me to talk to Zeke and to the body gaurds. " No your not gonna tell-" I cut him off " Aye shes my girlfriend so that's being said she's part of the family". " How you know she won't back stabbed you and turn you and everyone else in" he's was somewhat right but I know Cammie won't do it and if she was like that she woulda turned me in a long time ago. " If that's the case then I'll handle it. But I want our body gaurds to protect her just in case". He can tell that I cared for Cammie, " Fine Fine Fine but remember-" " My girl my responsablities" he brung in all the body gaurds. " Esta noche es una noche especial para Z. ver a esa chica especial por allí que es mi novia me quiere la protección presidente completo sólo para ella" they all looked like they understand. " Mami come here please" " Yes papi?" "Jim and Rafael gonna. Be your main body gaurds but everybody else is back" "Okay what about you tho" " Don't worry about me. Me J and Z it's gonna be good I just want you to be safe" I said by kissing her forehead. We went outside where the party was at. Enjoying our time but me of course gotta keep look out just in case I see different colors and I did. I called into Zeke walkie talkie " Aye idiot different colors are in different Colors are in" I saw Zeke walking towards the group of people. Obviously they're not family if you not wearing the our family colors then your an outsider " Can I help you?" Zeke said " Yeah I think you can" one of them said while reaching in the back pocket. I took my 17 out " If I were you I wouldn't do it" " And if I do take it out and point it right to your head what will you do" " Shit I'll do the same". Right there where we was the music stop and everybody stop moving around. It was just me and my rivals standing in front of me " Ha Adri knows how to clean up pretty well " I looked at Rafael and Jim. They took Cammie away outta of reach. " You don't remember me do you" I tried to but everything was blank. " How about this my name is Alexis what'd yours beautiful" shit now I remember . " What the fuck are you doing here" " Just came to crash the party" my 17 was still pointed at her head " Get the fuck outta here your not family anymore so why the fuck come back" she laughed " to see my step brother before he leaves and to see your sexy ass again" she said lowering her gun down singaling me to do the same. But I kept my gaurd up and my gun up " Listen here bitch I dont buy that bullshit eithre I shoot you here or you go home" I said looking straight at her eyes. " Ight ladies relax Adri put it down " I finally put my gun down but kept my gaurd up. Zeke gave his "step sister " a hug . I dont buy it . I heard from my walkie " Pitbul come upstairs real quick" . I went upstairs while the party continued. " What " "Yo novia she started yo miss you" jim said I looked at Cammie but I was still angery but I had to give my baby a hug though since she missed me . " Its all good baby girl I'm good" "Your eyes they are a different color". My eyes change colors when my emotions change . " Are they back to normal" she didn't say anything but kissed me that's when my eyes change back to normal" they are now" . gotta love her

Romeo & Juilet ( GxG)
RandomJust two different girls coming from two different types of worlds but having the same feeling for each other...