~ Cammie POV ~
After 3days staying in the Casa of Adriana I have became comfortable being over here and yes I know there was a couple of times where we had to go back to my just to get some things. Its not like we live far from each other and Adriana doesn't mind either. You're probably wondering what time it is... Its 8am and Adri is still asleep as always. She usually wakes up around 10 to make breakfast but knowing me I will make 2bags of popcorn and drink some orange while watching Netflix. I love it how she remembers to buy those most important things for me, Popcorn and Orange juice. She knows me well... Adri is still asleep and its adorable how innocent she looks when she's asleep. Look next to her and her phone is going off like crazy, how is it that every morning her phone goes off every 5mins like how does that doesn't bother anyone. I guess not her because she's a deep sleeper, shes the first person I've met that can sleep thru anything. Like last night it was thundering and raining extremely hard and all you hear is cars sounds & neighbors yelling & cursing but Adri she slept thru it all except for a couple of times at night telling me to goto sleep. The constant sounds of her phone bugs me so I grabbed it and unlocked it. So many nofications mostly from naked girls, but knowing Adri she wouldn't go for them. Doesn't like easy girls buy damn so many... Suddenly Adria starts to wake up. I put her phone down and goes out of the room quietly. " I know you was looking through my phone babe" aww she's calls me babe like we're going out or dating " No I wasn't I was in the rest room the whole time" "Explain how my messages disappeared???" She caught me " Fine!! I looked through it I'm sorry baby" She said its ok. She's was to much of a sleepy head to actually cared at the moment. Adriana walked into the restroom looked at me and picked me up threw me on the bed " You been in here way to long I'm going to use it now" " Did you really have to pick me up like that" " YES" she yelled and close the door. She came out still with her adorable bed head. Waking up to this every morning never have gotten old. Adriana would be In her sport bra and batman pants making breakfast for the both of us. And knowing at night she makes dinner for the both of us too. Its so damn cute what she does, makes breakfast for the table and then have dinner in bed then get to sleep with her on the same bed at night. Its all very much peaceful just me and her all the time. But here's the sad part me and Adriana is just friends nothing more just friends known each other for a couple of months . I wish we was more then friends. " So why does girls just randomly send you nudes if you never ask for it?" She looked at me confused " I dont know they just do" " do you have feeling s for these girls or nah" " Nah just want to fuck that's all they have feelings for me but I dont for them" she tells me the truth. There's no heart for these girls buy I wonder if there's a heart for me? " Adriana?" She looks up " Do you like me?" " Yeah of course" " More then a friend" " Uhhhhh..... Ummmmmm..... Do you want yuca y huevos Frito" Why does she changes the subject by speaking Spanish " Dont change the subject do you like me yes or no" I said with my voice getting ultra sonic " yes..."

Romeo & Juilet ( GxG)
De TodoJust two different girls coming from two different types of worlds but having the same feeling for each other...