* Zeke PoV*
Now I never had my own part in this story but here I go just fuck it....
But anyway I got up like around 10am a couple mins before Adrianna wakes cause you know she's up like 10:30 maaaaybe 11am, but I aint in no rush just gonna do what I always do. Bug my parents... SIKEEEEEEE... I'm Zeke Garcia I don't got parents to live with I live on my owm with my little big sister Isabella. " Yo asshole wake up" " Bitch I am up fawk you mean coming at me like that" I said walking out my room " What The Fuck Z put on a damn shirt" " I don't got to a damn thing but stay black and die" "Whatever what you doing up so early anyway" "Gonna chill with my bestfriend/Sister" " Well tell Adrianna I said heyyy" " You know she don't like you" " So I don't give a fuck I like her". I ignore her and went to the restroom and started my shower.
*Skips to bedroom*
Shower was so good gotta slap yo hoe ass like BAM!!!!. Right in the middle of me changing my sis called me " Yo nigga is you ready or nah" " You know me foo I be down in a bit" " Ight hurry the fuck up cause its hot as fuck" " Ight". It took me like another 5 mintues to finish getting ready, I was looking supd up as always. Got my camos cargos on with my black MGK tank top, showing all my tattoos on my arms I grabbed my chain and my white and black MOB snapback put them on and walked out. "HEY ADRIANNA YO ASS LOOKING SEXY AS ALWAYS" my sister Isabella yelled out the window. " WHY THE FUCK YOU YELLING FOR GET BACK IN AND WATCH OUR APARTMENT" " Yo wassup bro". Looking at Adrianna we matching, She had her Camos Cargos on with her White MGK tank top her white long chain and her MOB SnapBack which is black. " MAAAAN WE GOALSSSSSSS" I said real loud, Adrianna just laughed her ass off cause she knows im funny as fuck. "Where we going anyway?" "Man lets hit up the acarde then shoots some hoops" " Ight"
* All the way up to Game Time*
" Maaaaan imaaaaa beaaaaaaaaaaaat you Zeke" " No you wont bruh". We was playing a racing game. "BOOOOOOOM NIGGGA I WIN" We heard giggles from these cute as fuck girls "Hey ladies how you doing" Adrianna said they still giggling one of them kept their eyes on Adrianna " Yo sis go up to them" " Ight watch the master" Adrianna walked up to them, I waited for a bit then they all came together " So they said they wanna watch us shoot some hoops". We all went into Adrianna Jeep then her phone went off " Hold up...Ello?" " Hmmm kinda busy right now hanging out with my brother i'll call you later" " Ight see ya" " What was that about" "Nothing just Cammie calling checking up on me again" the girls snickered in the back. " Ya gonna needa stop with the laughing" Then we drove off.
*Skips to the Basketball court*
Its 20-10 and Adrianna is kicking my ass in this in front of these girls "GOOOOOO ADRIANNNNNAAAA" they all cheered for her and not me. "Wanna quit or continued" "Man shut up and pass the ball' she passed the ball and went right past me and did a 3pointer "WOOOOOOOHOOO YAASSSS SEXYYYY" "HA nigga I won wheres my money", See we made a bet before we starter to play and she won half of my paycheck which is $150.00 dollars. "Man it hot as fuck time to take off this shirt" Me and Adrianna took off our shirt and then these girls eyes went big. Seeing a guy like me and then seeing my sister in her sport bra I mean who wouldn't to watch. " Yo sis what time it is" " like about me not giving a fuck" " Hahaha forreal though" "5:00pm" "Do ya wanna get something to eat or chill at my place" one of them said " Cam I just hang with Adrianna?" Adrianna looked at me like bruuuh " Uhhhh I don't know you ask her how the rest of you ladies" the girl that asked if she can hang with my sister was name Alexis she went to Adrianna the other 2 went to me. "I'm sorry but I never gotten your guys names" " Jessica and this is my sister Alissa" " Beautiful names for such of beautiful girls" . Then Alexis came back with Adrianna " So what's the plan?" "No plan ima go home kinda sleepy so ima drive all of ya to Zeke place then ima go home"
*Adrianna Pov*
Alexis tried to ask me out but I turned her down because I have a girlfriend and i'm really am trying not to fuck up again. And if I fuck up again Cammie wouldn't want to do nothing with me. At least we wasn't smoking this time, I had to explain to Zeke about my promise to Cammie and he understood why and gonna try not to get me high. So I drove Alexis home finding out that all three of them lived in the same Neighborhood so it wasn't that much of a drive. " Yo today was fun as fuck sis we have to chill like this more often" " most def bro". Me and Zeke was jamming to The Weekend Cant feel my face. That's our song. I dropped him off at his place gave him some love hug" Love you bro" " Love you too sis". We went to our ways and I went back to my place. Once I got home I fell asleep on my bed sweaty and all not giving a fuck.

Romeo & Juilet ( GxG)
RandomJust two different girls coming from two different types of worlds but having the same feeling for each other...