Life Sentences

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Cindy P.O.V

The hospital door swung open and my doctor came in. She looked down at her folder then back up at me.

"You're blood test results came out positive." Dr. Brown said.

"Positive for what?" I chocked out.

"Aids." She sighed.

"N-no....No-o...No!!" I screamed crying.

"I'm sorry sweetie." She said trying to sympathize with me.

"I gotta go." I grabbed my purse with tears streaming down my face and ran out of the room before she can stop me.

I ran all the way to my car with tears blurring my vision. I got in and just cried my eyes out. Why does it feel like everything wrong is happening to me. And now I'm gonna die.


Death? How are my parents going to react. They can't kill me if I'm already dying. But I know they'll be very disappointed in me. And that right there is going to kill me more painfully.

I hate myself for this. How did I let myself be so stupid. You deserve this. Do I? Because right now I feel worthless. I feel like the bottom of someone's shoe that they keep stepping on. I hate myself so much.

I'm sick of making things worse. I'm sick of being hurt. I'm sick of crying myself to sleep. I'm sick of hating everything. I'm sick of faking a smile. I'm sick of feeling this way. I'm sick of letting people down. I'm sick of being me.

I shouldn't be hating myself. Yes it takes two. The person I hate just equally as me is Angel.

*phone convo*

Me: Angel.

Angel: why you calling me? We're through. I don't want you no more.

Me: okay fuck nigga. I was just calling to let you know that you gave me Aids. Bye.

*end of phone convo*

How dare he? I won't lie, yes I still wanted Angel before I came to the hospital. But now, I hate him. I let my guards down. I fell in love with someone who never give a fuck about me and never will.

Angel P.O.V

Aids? Yea right. Ha, gotem. Cindy must really be tripping on something heavy talking bout I gave her AIDS. There's no possible way.

I glanced at Lily who was laying naked peacefully next to me. I like when we're both like this. Just in peaceful silence enjoying each other's company.

All though I'm trying my hardest not to think about Cindy said, I couldn't help it. I knew there was no possible way I could've given it to her.

"Babe wake up." I whispered to Lily shaking her shoulder so she'd get up.

"Hmmm" she groaned looking over.

"I'm gonna head out. I'll call you when I get home. I love you." I said reaching over and kissing her lips quickly.

"I love you too. Drive safe baby"

I picked up my shoes off the ground, made sure I had my car keys and headed out. When I got inside my car I rested my head on the cool steering wheel to try to contain the head ache I felt coming on. Deciding not to spend another minute in Lily's driveway, I pulled out and drove off.

After a couple minutes of the very silent drive I was now pulling up to the nice brown two story home. I saw the screen door closed and all the windows open. Cutting the ignition off, I took my time jogging up the five steps that led to the nice porch.

I knocked on the screen door and stood patiently waiting on a respond. Moments later a familiar short petite
woman came to the door with a smile on her face realizing it was me.

"Hey Mrs.Shaw how are you? Is Brandon here?" I questioned her politely keeping eye contact.

She chuckled. "I'm good honey. Come inside, Brandon is upstairs in his room"

"Thank you." I smiled and ran up the stairs to Brandon's room.

When I opened the door he was laying shirtless watching Netflix like a couch potato.

"Wassup man." I said dapping him up.

"Sup." He responded simply.

I took a seat on the edge of his bed looking down at my hands awkwardly as he just continued to watch Netflix as if I wasn't even there.

After a couple of minutes I heard him sigh before feeling the bed dip. I watched him get up and lock his door before he took a seat next to me.

"So are you gonna tell me what's wrong or just sit there." He questioned with a slight attitude.

"I just missed you that's all." I said quietly still avoiding eye contact.

Brandon used his thumb and index finger to push my chin up so he could look into my eyes.

I watched him for a few seconds before he sighed loudly.

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss you as well." He said putting his head on my shoulder.

"You better." I smirked.

He lifted his head off my shoulder and smirked as well. He looked at eyes and then my lips as I did the same. I leaned in and Brandon met me half way. My lips met with his soft ones as we got into it. He slipped his tongue into my mouth while I gently nibbled on his bottom lip. Seconds later we pulled away from each other breathless. I missed this so much.

"C'mon join me." He said going back to his spot resuming watching Netflix.

I took my shirt and shoes off before climbing in as well. I looked up at him and kissed his cheek before focusing my attention on what he was watching on Netflix.

Right here and right now is when I'm most content.


Welp... 😬😬😬😬 that happened.

But does anyone remember Brandon ? Look in the first chapter.
But here y'all go. I didn't know
what to do. Enjoy vote comment !

-Excuse grammar/ spelling errors

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