Broken Promises

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To say I was anxious was a understatement. I had no idea what Angel wanted to talk to me about but it didn't sound good by the tone in his voice. I mentally prepared myself and waited for him in the living room. I heard a knock at the door and I slowly got up to open the door.

"Angel" I whispered feeling a little bit chocked up with emotions as I haunted for words. My ability to form coherent sentences seemed to have deserted me.

"Can I come in?" he asked looking down and scratching the back of his neck nervously.

I nodded and we both silently walked to the couch and sat down.

"Cindy I don't think that we should be together anymore. I don't want to see you anymore. I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to hear your voice. I don't even want to look at you. And I'm sure as hell don't wanna be your friend. I'm sorry."

This is not happening, I feel as if my heart just broke into a million pieces. ''Y-you're not sorry. Angel how could you say this after everything? This is the realest thing I've ever felt in my entire life. I love you Angel" I said standing up.

''Yea you're right I'm not sorry that we can't be together. Even if I wanted to apologize it wouldn't matter." he said getting up also.

''Angel you know what? I'm not sorry I met you. I'm not sorry that you make me feel alive, Out of all my choices I've ever made, this was the right one because I'm in love with you. I'm not sorry I fell in love with you" I told him, I stoppped pacing and just looked at him. It's as if my words had no effect on him.


'We're REAL Angel.'' I said trying to plead with him while tears were running down my face.

" I'm bad for you."



" I CAN'T!" I yelled back. This time about to reach my breaking point.


He looked at me and kissed me. This felt so right. I tried to show him how much I loved him in that kiss but it ended as quickly as it started.

" I love someone else" he said.

'' Who?"

" Lily. We've been together for a while now" he said with a smile.

I had so many emotions running through my mind and body right now. This was all too much for me. But the main emotion right now was the emotion of betrayal. Lily is supposed to be my best friend. How could she??

"You promised me. You lied to me. How could you do this to me?? You told me you loved me."

" Oh well I lied."


" Please don't do this to me."

" Goodbye Cindy." And with those last words he left me on the floor broken like never before. Just like that Angel walked out my life.

I gathered enough energy to go upstairs to my room. Once I was in there, the tears wouldnt stop coming. All the memories of us came flooding back to me. I feel like such a fool.

" Honey are you alright?' I looked up to see my mother with concern laced all over her face.

I couldve lied and said yes but I just really needed someone right now.

" No mom" I said my voice cracking,

I told her everything that happened and she just held me. And thats all I needed.

I fell asleep crying silently in my mother's arms.

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