Accidental Heat

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(Alex's POV)

Sirius smiled at me as I continued to stare with wide eyes. His eyes tried their best to represent innocence, but I pulled myself out of the trance, recalling everything I heard about him. He let go and I opened my mouth to scream, but he covered it.

"Please." He slightly lowered his hand. "I'm not going to hurt you, I promise."

"Oh, like all of those muggles you killed!?" I whispered loudly.

Sirius place a finger to his lips. Some of the portraits groaned in their sleep. He looked back at me. "I'm innocent."

"Said every prisoner of Azkaban."

He frowned. "I've been here since the school year started. How many students are corpses right now?"

I paused and thought about it. "It's only been about a month since school started."

He looked away and sighed. He looked back at me, locking his eyes with mine. "If I really was evil would you still be breathing right now?"

I scanned every inch of his face, trying to see any hint peril. Nothing. I saw nothing but a dirty man wearing rough rags for clothes. A man who looked like he had a desperate soul for innocence.

I sighed. "Alright. Let's get away from here to somewhere private. Follow me."

His shoulders relaxed as he smiled. I led him into the broom cupboard and shut the door behind us.

He smiled. "Seemed a lot bigger the last time I was in here."

I opened my mouth about to comment, but then decided not to. I sat across from him. "So what is it you want? If you really are innocent then you can't be here after Harry Potter or to murder someone."

"I'm here to see someone."

My eyes widened. "What?"

Sirius quietly laughed to himself. "Not romantically. More as a friend... Or brother." His eyes were distant even though he was looking at me.

"How do you know you'll find them?"

He smiled. "I'm sure you'll help me. You seem like a girl with a good heart."

"Well, what do you need?"

"First I need to know a few things about Harry Potter and Remus Lupin." His eyes pierced into mine. It felt like he was lightly stringing at my heart.

"But Lupin is--"

"Alex?" George opened the door and looked at Sirius. My heart skipped a beat. It stilled. My eyes widened. He smiled then looked at me. "This s hardly the time to take a pet out for a walk."

"What?" I looked at Sirius, but there was a black dog in his place. I looked at George, unsure of what to say, where the dog came from, or how to explain the dog.

George grinned. "Never thought of black dogs as elegant." He knelt at the dog's side. "But this one is very nice." He scratched the dog's ear. "What kind of breed is he? Or did you just find him today?" He grinned at me.

The moonlight of the small window gave his eyes a pure blue glow. His teeth where almost pearl-white.

I smiled and petted the black dog. "I found him earlier today, and I just wanted to check on him." George and my eyes locked. "Just wanted to make sure no one messed with him." I felt the dog's head move toward me, but my eyes didn't move from George's gaze.

"You're a really nice girl."

Nice?.... I'm just nice?...

My eyes slightly lowered. "Yeah... but that's all I am. I--"

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