Dark Forest Run

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 (Fred's POV)

I grinned at George and Alex. I set my books and papers down on the common room table. "I finished."

Alex grinned. "I'm done, finished just now."

George set his things on the table. "I finished."

We all exchanged glances and quickly gathered our things. We rushed up the stairs to put our things away properly.

I was the first to arrive back at the common room. "What should we do now? The night is still young."

George laughed. "Is it even considered night yet?"

I grinned. "It's not five yet."

Alex rushed to us. "We should explore or something before it's time for me to help Lupin."

George and I paused. "Tonight's a..."

Alex nodded. "But I really want to go on another exploration before we won't have time anymore."

George and I exchanged glances. He was the first to grin and we looked back at Alex. "To the forest!"

(George's POV)

The forest seemed like a grand idea before we actually were there. I sighed. "It's already dark out, Freddie."

Fred paused. "Well, we both thought of this. It's not like I dragged either of you out here."

I nodded. "We should definitely find our way back."

"Quickly, please," Alex ran to Fred's side. My shoulders fell as she looked at Fred. But everything went back to normal when she spoke again. "I need to get back to Lupin before--"

There was a loud howl. The three of us exchanged glances, frozen in the darkness of the forest. None of us dared to move. None of us dared to breathe. I looked at Alex, waiting for some sort of sign, some sort of signal to let us know what to do.

A small amount of breath escaped from Alex. "Run."

I pivoted and ran as fast as I could in the direction I hoped was the castle. I looked back, seeing Alex and Fred close behind me. I continued to run until my legs felt cramped. Fred slammed into me.

"What's wrong Georgie?"

I looked up at him. "I can't run anymore. It hurts."

Alex stopped in front of us. "We might not have to run." She looked back. "The howling's stopped."

I froze, letting my eyes wander as I listened. "You're right." I stood up and dusted off my jeans. "What now?"

"I say we go back to the castle." Fred looked from Alex to me. "It's the only way we'll be safe for sure."

Alex stepped forward. "Wait."

Fred took a step forward. "Alex, we're not like Harry! Yes, we are smarter and much more experiened. But we do not have a power within us to stop Lupin right now!"

Alex's eyes narrowed and she let out a deep breath. "Lupin is my friend, practically my father!"

Fred paused. He pursed his lips and nodded to himself. "All right. Let's go."

Alex and Fred began walking towards the howl.

I stepped in front of them stopping them.

Alex blinked.

"If at any moment it gets too dangerous, we run, run to the castle if possible."

Alex smiled and nodded. "Agreed."

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