A Marauder Discovery

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 (Fred's POV)

I tried to be serious and stare Alex's beautiful blue eyes down. "So you transform."

She grinned and nodded. "Fur and all."

I looked at George. "And you saw her... naked."

George smiled and rolled his eyes. "I only said she wasn't wearing clothes. I never said I could see her bare skin."

I frowned and leaned back against a tree. "And during this time, it never occured to you that maybe I was curious to see Lupin in his different form?"

George paused and his brows crashed. "Did it ever occur to you to remind to give Alex her present on time? Eh? You gave her yours before we went back to Mum Alex said."

I looked away and grinned. "All right. That wasn't exactly kind of me."

George grinned. "Don't worry about it. Have you heard that Lupin took the map from Harry?"

Alex and I blinked.

George nodded. "Snape caught him snooping around the night after I gave Alex her gift."

"Are we getting it back?" I took a step toward George.

Alex let out a small laugh. "Good luck with that. He won't even give it to me."

My brows crashed. "Why? You're his favorite."

Alex shrugged. "He said he didn't want it getting into the hands of Sirius Black."

George looked out at the lake. "What would it matter if Sirius had it? He wouldn't know how to use it wou--"

I paused. "Now there's a thought."

Alex moved closer. "But that still doesn't explain how he would know."

"It's possible that he was one of the Marauders."

George and I looked at Alex. "You should ask him."

Alex's brows furrowed. "Why me?"

George let out a small laugh. "Like Freddie said, 'you're his favorite.'"

(Alex's POV)

If it wasn't for George's charming smile, I would have said no completely. I let out a deep breath and knocked on Lupin's door.

Lupin almost instantly opened the door and his brows raised. "Alex."

I smiled nervously. "I just wanted to make sure you were doing well."

He smiled seemingly sympathetically. "Come on in." He closed the door. "Have a seat." He handed me some chocolate and walked to the other side of the room. "I know exactly what this is about."

My eyes widened as I was about to bite the chocolate. "You do?"

He finished latching a chest closed and turned to me. "Of course. I've known you since you decided to be a member of the Order, mind you, you're still too young and... not powerful enough to join, but you're almost there." He smiled and pulled a chair in front of me, giving me a charming gaze as if to persuade me to spill everything out. "Now, which one is it?"

I blinked. "Whaaaaa?"

He let out a smile laugh. "The twins. Which one are you having," he put up his hands for quotes, "'the troubles' with? I suspect it's George, but you did recieve a lovely gift from Fred."

I paused and sunk back in the small couch. "I thought... I thought you said I shouldn't have a relationship yet."

Lupin let out a few loud laughs. "My dear girl, I said you shouldn't have relationships last year and every year before. This was just so you could get the right one and actually focus on your goal instead of losing focus because of a boy." His eyes scanned every inch of my face and he smiled. "But I believe that you are more than ready to have a relationship."

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