Chapter 7

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We didn’t leave the clearing for a while. We just laid there looking at each other. It was silent. It was a peaceful silence. Then Kellen broke it.

"I’m going to cancel the wedding with Tiffany." he said. I looked into his eyes to tell if he was serious or not. "I’m not kidding." he leaned in close to me and I could smell him. His intoxicating scent.

"What if she starts to cry and scream?" I asked raising one eye brow.

"Then I will tell her the truth." he said simply. What will everyone think when word gets out that imp mated with the Alpha? I looked into his eyes and I knew that I wanted to be closer to him.

"Let’s play a game." I said sitting up.

"What kind of game?"

"A question game," I said. "Like I ask you a question and then you ask me a question. But you can’t ask me a question if you haven’t answered the one I asked you."

"Okay. That sounds interesting. Let’s play."

"Okay cool. I will go first." I said thinking of a question. Then I got one. "How old are you?"

"Nineteen. I know how old you are. How many boyfriends have you had?" he asked. Wow he was moving fast. I was starting out with the easy questions. I thought of my answer.

"Six guys. And one girl." I said watching his expression. His face turned from understanding to utter shock.

"What?" I asked him.

"Um one girl?" he asked me.

"Yeah ha-ha. Just to try it out. it was fun." I said with a wink and a smile. He smiled back kind of unsure. So I smiled at him reassuringly. And then I changed the subject. "So how many people have you dated?"

He thought about it for a moment. "Two girls. And they are all in the pack with us." great so I get to meet my mates ex-girlfriends.

"Ok... so what do we have to do to become full mates?" I asked. I knew that there would be some sort of process.

"Well first I have to mark you." like he pisses on me? "Then we have to make love." and when he said that he leaned in close and looked at me with hunger in his eyes. And trust me I felt the same hunger because then I closed the distance between us and kissed him.

When our lips touched I felt the electricity between us. Then I moved closer to him to deepen the kiss. I felt his hands roaming up and down my back then finally slipping under my shirt. He pressed his hands to the small of my back and I moaned in his mouth wanting more.

He moved me so I was straddling him then he pulled away. "Wow. You move fast." he said with a smile and I smiled back.

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