Chapter 21

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I sang along to all the songs on the radio as Kellen and I headed to our destination of California. I still didint know why we were going to California but I was going with Kellen wherever he goes. I'll follow him to the ends of the earth. I leaned forward and turned down the radio.

"So why are we going to California? I mean we could go anywhere in America to get away from them." I said turning and looking at Kellen.

"Well I know some people there and they belong to a pack and they are willing to accept us. We can easily hide there also." Kellen said smiling. That was good enough for me. If he knows people then  great.

"How are your knuckles?" I said looking at his hands firmly locked on the stering wheel.

"They are a little bit sore. Im sure they will be worse tomorrow." He said with a shrug. "But I think we both put off how you felt. Hows your ribs? Do you have a headache?" Kellen asked me looking over at me. Now that I thought about how I felt I realized my ribs were still sore. But I did not havr a headache.

"My ribs are a bit sore and as Im sure you saw they are still a little bit bruised." I said thinking back to earlier when I was staring at them in the mirror.

"Well I think it would be a good idea to take it easy with them for a while. We dont know how healed you are yet." Kellen said breifly glancing at me with eyes full of concern. Kellen grabbed my hand and held it while he drove. The feeling his touch gave me were like nothing Ive ever felt before. Not more than an hour ago I was ready to let him mate me.

"Ok. Im sorry about my dad." I said looking out the window.

"Babe he had it coming to him. The way he looked at you. I shouldve killed him." Kellen said clenching his jaw and holding my hand tighter. I could feel the anger flowing through his veins as he thought back to what we were about to do.

I dont even know how my father found out where we were. We left in the middle of the night and traveled a whole state away. He followed us. And the way he looked at me makes me sick.

"So when we get to Cali what are we going to do?" I asked kellen.

"Well Im going to call my friend Frank. He has a mate also so you can ask her all about what you need to know about being a she-wolf." He said turning into a rest stop just off the high way. I thought back to the first time I met Kellen and he kidnapped me in the middle of the night. How we stopped at that rest stop and he got into a fight and we found out we were mates.

"Do you remember that rest stop we stopped at the first time we met pretty much?" I asked.

"Yeah I do. What about it?" He said parking the car.

"Why did you get into a fight with that other wolf?"

"He was threatening your saftey. I knew that we were mates before that and since he made the move to hurt you something in me snapped. I needed to make sure you were okay." he said looking at me with love in his eyes.

"How long did you know?"

"I knew when I walked into your bedroom and smelled you. The sweet smell of strawberries." He said smiling and I couldnt help but smile back. I hopped out of the c ar and made a straight bee line for the little girls room.

I finished up and walked ouit to find Kellen on the phone with someone. I quickluy and quietly walked back around the corner so he wouldnt see me but I could still hear him.

"Yeah man I know how un safe this is. Especially how her dad found us. I had to beat the shit out of him." Kellen said. I heard a slight murmer as the person on the other end replied.

"Well she hasnt exactely changed again yet. Im scared it will be to much for her body and her wolf will take over completely. You know how meentally and physically exauhstuing it is in the beginning." He said. The other person replied once again.

"NO I havent mated her. I think we were going to mess around but we came out of the bathroom and her dad was sitting on the bed and saw us. And her naked." He said and I saw his fist tighten into a ball. Who the hell is he talking to?

"Thanks Luke I couldnt pull this off without you man." Kellen said to his best friend and then hung up. I walked around the corner as he was putting his phone in his pocket. "That was Luke. He was calling to see how we were doing." he said grabbing me by the waist and pushing me up against the wall. 

"Oh yeah?" I said while giggling like a crazy man. Kellen looked back up at me with those amazing eyes. I ran my hand through his blond hair that was starting to get long. He kissed me all over my face and tugged on the bottom of my dark hair playfully.

 I broke the kiss and ran back to the car laughing. He growled and chased after me. I hopped in the car and waited for him to come and get me. He got in also and kissed me passionatly on the lips. I felt the electricity and opened my mouth in surprise. Kellen took his chance and explored my mouth with his tounge. Oh my God did it feel great. Kellen pulled away and looked at me with a smirk knowing what he did to me. I sighed and bit my lip as I sat back in the seat.

"So if I haul ass and drive through the night we should be close to our desination by tomorrow. Im really excited to get there and see Frank and his wife Scarlette. They are my Godparents. But dont worry they wont tell anyone that we are with them. They hate my mother for what she did." Kellen said pulling out and heading back on the highway.

"What did your mother do?" I asked in wonder.

"Well if you havent noticed but I dont have a dad. This is because my mother cheated on him. With a woman." Kellen said. Oh gosh how did I not realize he didnt have a dad around? I guess I always assumed he was elsewhere.

"Geez Kellen I feel like a huge jerk. I didnt even notice." I said grabbing onto his hand. 

"Bridgit its all okay. You've had a lot going on these past weeks." Kellen said with a smile. But I could see the pain behind that smile. I barely know him yet I know when hes upset or hurting.

"Do you know where your father is?" I asked not knowing how to approche him about his mother cheating with another woman.

"Ive only ever gotten a couple emails and maybe a few birthday cards from him. So no not really. But maybe Frank will know since they are like life long friends." Kellen said. I knew about not having a father figure in your life. My dad bailed when I was young and only a couple weeks ago did he ever try to contact me.

"Honey Im sorry. I know what its like. If it makes you feel better Ive had to help raise my  younger siblings." I said with a smile thinking about home. Im probely never going to see them again but somehow I know I'll be okay with this.

"Well now all we have to focus on is eachother. No focusing on siblings or wayword parents just us." Kellen said smiling.

"Yeah just us and you know my dad tracking us." I said with a sigh. 

"Your dad wont ever know to check for us where we are going. Way up in the mountains where we can be ourselves." Kellen said and I smiled thinking about how we can be together and love eachother.

"Things will be okay now." I said smiling. I leaned across the center consol and kissed the side of Kellens face.

"I love you." I whispered against his skin.

"I love you to beautiful."


Hey loves! Sooo Im really excited about what will be happening in the next few chappies! Stay tuned to find out what happens! Happy reading!

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