Chapter 2

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Kellen and I drove for at least eight hours. We made small talk. I cried. And I had time to think. I thought about my schooling and how that would go. I thought about my mom and the kids. I thought about Kellen and why he had to come and get me so forcefully. And I thought about one thing that had been bugging me since we got in the car.

"Kellen?" I asked.

"Yes Bridgit?" he said looking at me. Probably surprised that I was talking to him.

"What did you mean in my room when you said you were the new alpha? And what does alpha mean?"

"Hasn’t anyone told you about werewolves?" he asked surprised. He looked over at me with his eyes begging me to already know. It was like a parent telling their child about the birds and the bees.

"No, I have no idea what you are talking about." I said slightly amused. he sighed.

"Ok so I’m going to start at the very beginning. So I’m going to trust you have heard the old fairy tales about werewolves?" and I nodded my head yes he continued. "Well werewolves are real and you are one. So am I. and when a werewolf turns eighteen their wolf comes out. And what I mean by comes out is that their wolf makes itself known."

"So what you’re telling me is that we all have a wolf inside of us? And that when we turn a certain age the wolf comes out?" I asked in disbelieve wondering if he was just yanking my chain. He laughed.

"Yes that is what I am telling you. But not everyone has a wolf inside of them. Both of your parents have to be a wolf for their children to be wolves also. And the reason I had to come and take you is because your father wants you be with your own kind. And eventually your brothers and sisters will come and join you." he said. I just sat there for a moment letting everything sink in. I am a wolf…. and my parents are wolves to.

"So, back to my question from before. You said you are an alpha. What does alpha mean?" I said in one breath.

"Ok. So along with being a wolf you will belong to a pack. And you know what a pack is right?" he asked and I nodded my head yes. "Good. So in the pack you have an alpha, a beta, and an omega. The alpha is the one in charge for the pack. And if the alpha were to somehow get killed or hurt the beta would take over and same with the omega. Also when you first turn you will realize that there are voices in your head. What those voices will be are the other pack members. Every wolf pack has a mind link. Meaning that you can talk in your head and we will all hear it." I was silent the whole time thinking. It was a lot to tell me and a lot to think bout at one time. The fact that I’m a wolf is pretty cool. I have always had a weird obsession with wolves so now I get to be one.

I also think it’s cool to have a mind link with other people. But I’m also scared. Would the first change hurt? What would the other pack members think of me? Will I be accepted? Or would they push me away? What will my dad think of me? And with questions swimming in my head I fell asleep to Kellens off tune humming.

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