Chapter 13

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Hey guys! I would like everyone to spread the word about my story. So tell your friends and tell your friends friends! You are all amazing and I would like to thank everyone for reading!


When I woke up my senses were heightened. My sense of smell was more heightened and my hearing was more acute. I could hear things beyond my room. Nothing like yesterday morning. I finally opened my eyes and winced at the brightness. Everything hurt.

I slowly sat up in bed and was hit with a wave of dizziness. Once it faded I decided to shower because maybe it would help with my achy body. But when I stood up I found that my feet couldn’t even touch the carpet with it hurting.

"Claire?" I yelled hopping she was here. She came rushing in the room out of breathe and red faced.

"Bridgit! Your awake!" she said.

"Yes and I can’t get up and everything is really bright and loud." I said quietly. She smiled and sat down on the bed.

"Do you remember changing?" she asked.

"Yeah I do. But only bits. I remember people screaming and it hurting. A lot." I said looking at her.

"Yes it was going to hurt and you shouldn’t have blacked out but you did. You changed into a complete wolf and once you changed back you didn’t wake up. We were worried."

"I don’t recall changing into a full blown wolf. Is that normal? And I sure don’t remember changing back." I told her.

"No it’s not normal and most young wolves going through their first change never fully change. They get to a halfway point and stop." she said. My stomach dropped at this information. I was abnormal. Which means something terrible could go wrong.

"Well what are we going to do?" i asked.

"For now we are going to play it by ear. This is the first case we have ever had like this." she said. And I nodded my head. She helped me up and helped me into the shower. It was slow going but got there.

Once I showered I was able to walk by myself. So I got dressed and decided to go see Kellen. But when I walked down the path to his house all the happy children once playing outside were being drug inside by their parents. And their parents giving my disgusted and frightened looks.

What is going on? I finally got to Kellen’s house and knocked on the door. His mom answered with a smiling face but when she saw me the smile vanished into a look of disgust.

"Um... hi. Is Kellen here?" I asked.

"Yes he is but I forbid him to see freaks like you." and with that she slammed the door in my face. And my heart dropped to my shoes.

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