Chapter 4

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Dance With Me

Alouette did return to get a dress and even a new mask. It had become something of a trend for young women fascinated with the phantom to wear a child's mask. She wasn't sure how much the public knew about Papa but she was eager to find out. If she could find Noel again before the welcoming ceremony then she could get the story out of him.

She had approached her mother after an early breakfast to ask her for the story but her question was only met with silence and a furtive glance towards the closed bedroom door. So she kept her silence and mentioned nothing to Papa. He had been on edge since he woke up and kept to the bedroom, coming out for a drink and a muttered word with Felix. Felix claimed Papa hadn't said much. He made benign comments, hoping the weather would hold and wondering if they would enjoy a tour of the House tomorrow.

A knock at the door announced the arrival of Christine. They could hear her humming as Erik went to answer. He paused at the door, tilting his head a little. It was a slow, swelling tune in a low tone. Opening the door, he gave her a small smile.

"It is curious that that is the song you choose to remember." He murmured.

Raoul, standing next to Christine, frowned at the comment and his wife turned a bright red. She ducked her head and smiled. Alouette frowned and glanced at Felix but he shrugged.

"It was stuck in my head. The only one I remember all the words to. Well... I mostly remember your part."

"Hm." Erik stepped aside to let them in. "The real question is, do you remember the steps?"

If it was possible, Christine would have turned a deeper shade of red. She shook her head. "Vaguely. Are you ready?"

Nodding, Erik turned to go back to the bedroom, whistling the same tune. Alouette turned to Christine.

"Are you all going somewhere?"

Christine nodded and sat down. "Erik wishes to walk the grounds of the House before we go tonight and I do so miss the gardens." Raoul sat beside Lunette on the armrest of the settee as Christine began to describe the grounds to Alouette.

Tuning out his sister's excitement, Felix watched Raoul and his mother. Maman looked forlornly towards her husband as he came from the room. He was dressed in all black, his usual attire. A light cloak covered him and the hood sat placidly against his shoulders. He pressed his mask to his face and it was this that seemed to break Lunette. Turning to watch her, Felix saw tears well in her eyes. Raoul squeezed her shoulder but she only stood with a mumbled apology and escaped to the powder room. Erik and Christine were too interested in their conversation to notice. Frowning, Felix looked at Raoul and tilted his head in question. Shaking his head, the Comte sighed and stood.

"I'll ride with you to the House." He murmured. Erik and Christine glanced at each other. The Comtesse nodded.

"If you wish, you may take the carriage. We'll walk back or hail a hansom."

Raoul studied them silently for a moment before nodding slowly. They left as a group, with the Comte following the two at a small distance. Felix locked the door behind them and turned towards the bathroom.

"Maman?" He called.

She sniffled and hummed an answer. "Hm?"

"Are you alright?"

"Oh fine!" Her laugh was watery. Felix leaned his shoulder against the wall.


She opened the door, almost flinging it open in her haste. "Fine, Felix. I promise." She shook herself and smiled brightly through her reddened cheeks and watery eyes. Sighing, Felix tucked her head under his chin and held her tightly. He wished he knew what this cold tension was developing between his parents. He wished Maman would tell him what troubled her like she used to when Father was being difficult. But this was something much older than him, something that sat behind Maman's smiles and haunted the edges of her happiness like the phantom Father refused to speak of. So as long as they kept their silence and tried to protect him from the truth, he would not question them. But Maman did not have to feel she was alone in all this.

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