Chapter 14

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Erik had never had the pleasure of holding such a large audience in his power, not like this. Frightened, horrified, and anxious they had been before. But this silent awe, these enraptured faces turned up towards him as he paced slow circles around Rachelle, this was new. He was safe in his usual garb, the black pants and jacket. His white shirt had been replaced with one of the deepest blue, noticeable only when the spotlight passed him by, revealing him as he snuck in and out of the set's shadows. His mask was really the only thing that took getting used to: a long black covering with slanted eyes and a bird's beak.

He was the midnight lurker that Rachelle sang to so mournfully and his music entranced every ear that turned to it. It was a heady thing, such power.

But he remained grounded. There was no sign of the phantom tonight, not with the presence of Lunette's gaze focused on him. He glanced up as he made another turn around Rachelle. He couldn't see Lunette well but he knew she was watching him and only him. She would keep him steady.

The ballerinas spun dizzying circles around them, drawing in their sorrowful victim even more. Erik knew Georgiana was somewhere among them.

Rachelle made a grab for him, as if trying to catch and control the mournful air he wrapped around her. He stepped out of reach, sweeping around and leaning in to play by her ear, as if perched on her shoulder to whisper secrets she didn't want to hear. She leaned away, shaking her head and holding a hand to keep him at bay.

There was a slow crescendo, a rising of tension while she tried in vain to flee and he followed her steadily down the length of the set.

A caesura.

He leaned back, as though startled and angered by the sudden appearance of Phillipe, or rather of Don Juan. In the pit there was silent movement, and as the music started up again, Erik snuck away and into the wings. He ripped of the confining mask, reaching out for the familiar one a stagehand was supposed to hand him. When he met empty air, he looked up.

Noel stood there, staring at him with wide eyes. His mouth fell open.

Erik sighed. "When you've gazed your fill, may I have my mask?"

Shaking himself quickly, the boy quietly apologized and held out the black leather garment. Erik slid it into place before meeting his eyes again. Noel shifted. He opened his mouth three times before he gave up searching for what he wanted to say. Holding his hand out, he held Erik's gaze.

Erik's brows rose beneath his mask. He took the boy's hand, nodding slightly. "I wish you all the best, my boy."

"And you as well." Noel smiled fleetingly before returning to his post in the flies. Erik watched him climb up.

"Monsieur Destler?" Two hesitant voices called him. He turned to face Rachelle and Philippe.

"Ah, my stars!" He smiled. "Wonderfully done. I'm very proud."

They grinned at him and each other before running to prepare for their next scene. Still smiling, Erik returned to his seat. Alouette turned to grin at him before bringing her eyes back to the stage. Felix barely moved, his gaze instead fixated on the dancers below them. Sitting down beside Lunette, Erik felt her hand slip into his. She leaned her head on his shoulder, murmured something too low for him to hear and smiled up at him.

The third act passed without so much as a hiccup or hesitation. With the last scene drawing to a close, Erik hurried down to wait in the wings. The curtains closed. Two breaths of hesitance and then the house erupted into applause as the lights brightened. Erik watched each and every actor walk onto the stage to be applauded. With a small, nervous flutter in his stomach, he ventured out last.

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