Chapter 6

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A Monster Among Us

Alouette ignored her father when she returned to the hotel that night. She closed and locked the bedroom door in his face and pretended not to hear him calling her. A dull thump told her he had let his head fall against the door. Listening, she sat on the edge of her bed.

"I'm sorry, darling." He began softly. "I knew you would hate me for this and I always tried to protect you from it. But I..." He stopped when his voice grew thick with the threat of tears. "I hated every minute of it. I hated it but it was the only way I knew to survive. I thought a demon like me was fit only for a life as a monster. I never hoped I would find anyone to love me, I never thought I would be a father. I didn't even know if I could." He huffed.

"And I know I've been a dreadful father and I've never been easy for any of you. You can hate me." He whispered. "You can hate me and curse me and I don't blame you. But you are still my little girl and I... I'll always love you."

She could barely understand him through his tear-thickened voice. Her own throat was tight and her eyes felt hot.

"I love you whether or not you ever forgive me. And I swear I won't hurt you or anyone ever again, alright? Please just... Please come out."

She blinked tears away quickly but didn't move. After what seemed an eternity, he left. It was probably an hour or so later when Felix knocked.

"Alouette?" She opened the door. "You made Father cry." He accused, his eyes narrowing. "He's been in the study with a nearly empty decanter and his head in his hands. What did you say?"

"Nothing." She sighed. "You forgave him, I see."

He nodded and told her what Georgiana had explained to him. As he stuttered over trying to quote her, Alouette sighed. "Felix, will you ever get over this stutter of yours? It's dreadful."

He flinched and closed his mouth. Looking away, he gripped one arm and rubbed it slowly. "Georgiana doesn't mind it." He mumbled.

God, now she'd hurt him too!

Sighing, she shook her head. "I'm sorry. Forget I said anything."

Biting his lip, he nodded and sat on the edge of her bed, continuing slowly so as not to stumble over any words again.


As much as she hated the thought of her father lurking in these tunnels, Alouette accepted Noel's offer to venture into a few of them the following morning.

"There's traps everywhere," he said, holding an light high. "And some say he could move the tunnels to make paths. But I know this part pretty well."

"How far down do they go?" She shuddered as a spider web caught her arm.

"There's a lake at the bottom that was made by accident. He lived down there. I never made it that far. But it's 'bout six, seven flights down some places. Two from here."

"Wow..." She whispered.

"Did you talk to him?" He turned to look over his shoulder.

She shook her head, hugging herself tightly. It was cold and damp and the shadows pressed on them. "I couldn't bring myself to approach him. Felix forgave him already. But he's just... Papa always had a temper and he's always been very odd but a murderer? A madman?"

"Still your father..." He pointed out, tilting his head. "I think he's been punished enough."

"I don't know. I just don't know. What's this?" She added as her hand brushed a raised line painted a dull gray unlike the brown walls. Something moved and clicked. She wasn't sure what she heard first, Noel's scream or the rush of water but all too quickly it was drowned out. She thrashed in the murky water as it swallowed her up. Her dress weighed her down, pressing on her lungs and pulling her towards the bottom. Then, just as quickly, it seemed as though the water grabbed her and flung her in another direction. She clamped her jaw down tight and closed her eyes as she spiraled into the cold darkness. The water thrashed her against the walls, mercilessly beating her breath from her lungs until she floated into open space.

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