Chapter 10

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Movement 3 - Nocturne
Chapter 10 - Divided We Fall

Lunette sat up slowly, trying not to disturb the slumbering form beside her. But as her feet touched the cold stone floor, Erik's hand gently wrapped around one wrist.

"You don't know how to get home." He murmured against the pillow.

She paused and then shook her head. She'd forgotten the tunnels. Sitting up, he explained the path that would take her outside and then one that would take her a little ways past the rotunda and into the grand foyer. She decided to go to the foyer.

Reciting the directions back to him, she made sure to get every detail right. He nodded and leaned up to kiss her.

"Be careful. I will send notes."

"How? Where should I look for them?"

"There's a false front to the pillar in the corner of Box Five. The spring is a tiny black dot in the fourth groove from the far left."

She nodded and stood. "Stay safe." He murmured in agreement and watched her as she hurriedly dressed and left.

"Lunette!" She peeked back into the room. "Are you armed? If the man is in my tunnels, I would assume he is armed."

She looked around for one of his knives. Opening the chest that sat beside his organ, she found one lying beside a pile of rope. Lifting it, she tucked it carefully into a hidden fold of her dress. She was not much of a fighter but she could wield a knife sufficiently after her defense against Andre and Marcel. It was good enough.

"And what if he has a lasso?" She inquired, closing the chest. "He is imitating you, after all."

"Keep your hand at the level of your eyes." He called softly. Taking a deep breath, Lunette nodded. She raised her hand. She took the tunnels and turned the way he directed her, checking for her landmarks regularly. As the rough stone began to turn smooth, she knew she was drawing close.

A scream rent the air, sending her heart into her throat and her hair on end.


"Christine?" Lunette broke into a run, following that scream.

"Erik, please," the Comtesse cried, "stop this! What are you doing!"

Raoul's voice called from the other side of the tunnel. "Christine!"

As Lunette rounded a corner she saw a figure dragging her friend along by her dress. He looked up towards where Raoul and Felix were coming and then behind, startling at the sight of Lunette coming towards him. He dropped Christine immediately, sprinting into the corridor to his right.

Christine fell with a cry and Raoul reached her in moments. He gathered her into his arms and shushed her frightened whimpers. Felix glanced at Lunette. His eyes burned bright with an uncharacteristic fury as he took off after the man.

"Felix, wait!" Lunette ran after him. He paused only long enough to decide upon a turn but Lunette caught the edge of his jacket as he turned left. He stopped, his breath echoing in a cry. Looking down, he watched a pit swing open right before his feet. Lunette pulled him away slowly and walked backwards.

"You cannot go running after him here." She murmured. He nodded slowly, his breaths still coming in quick pants.

"We have to catch him." He whispered.

She turned him back the way they'd come. "We will. But not here. He has the advantage and he knows it."


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