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After a long night of getting absolutely no work done I told Calum that my mum wanted me home and that if i wasn't in by 12:30 then I would get my phone taken away. Michael was already fast asleep by the time I left but that didn't stop the rest of them from acting like idiots. The project assigned is pretty easy but of course having four very loud boys around doesn't help. ----------------------------------------------I crawl out of bed and walk to my closet. I wasn't in the mood for regular clothes so I put on a black mid thigh length dress with my all white converse. As I walked into the kitchen my phone starts ringing; "unknown" is all the screen says. Not thinking i pick it up and answer.
"Hello?" the voice sounds really familiar, I think it may be Calum?
"Hey Calum? What's up?"
"I hate to ask you of this but do you think you could pick me up at my house? My car broke down and none of the boys will pick up theirs phones."
He sounded so defeated and I figured what harm could come in picking him up.
"Sure. I'll be there in 10 minutes. And be ready. I can't be late this morning."
"Thank you so much Tay."
I hang up and go get my keys off the counter. Did he just call me Tay? That needs to end now because he can't just think we're buddy buddy now with each other. I get into the car and start jamming out to Tøp because I just really needed to relax. A 20 minute car ride with Calum was at the bottom of my list of thing to do today.
I pull up to the front of his house and I watch as he gets up off the steps and makes his way to the passenger door. The door was looked so I had to lean over the seat and unlock it. I watch Calum eyeing me the whole time and it makes me start to squirm but I don't say anything. He gets in and just sits there until he says "well aren't we going to go?" He rudely calls out.
"Not until you buckle up." I simple put. After a long and exaggerated exhale he finally put his seat belt on and I put the car in drive. I turned off the radio and we ended up just sitting in awkward silence until he finally chips in another thank you. I just look at him and nod.
"You can't just ignore me this whole two months. Your going to have to learn to live with me! Your so nice Taylor but I can't deal with you acting like this. You can't keep treating me and for that matter my friends like we're bad people!"
I just looked at him and then I worked up the courage to mutter "I'm sorry."
He looks at me and just stares. "Why are you apologizing? You did nothing wrong. Just be more relaxed about this whole project and it will go by a lot quicker."
"Okay thanks for the tip. I'll talk to you later." And with that I park the car at the school and go off to my first block.

Bullied by Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now