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I pull the strings on my bag to readjust it on my shoulders. Walking down the cold hallway was last on my things to do on a Monday morning. Up ahead I see Calum's brown hair poking out the back of his SnapBack. He coolly looks over his shoulder and then says something to the kids around him. I hear them all snicker and agree at his comment. I wasn't sure if it was about me so I just kept walking towards him. When I approach the group of weird, hormonal teens they start snickering with each other.
"Look at that shirt, did she buy it at the Baby Gap?" I hear one girl whisper loudly to the crowd.

"She's so unbelievably ugly! And her makeup make her look like a raccoon!" The tall, lanky boy in the back says.

"Hey Cal!" I say quickly trying to avert the attention away from me. He looks me up and down and makes a face at me.

"Um, why are you talking to me?" He asks with no regard to my emotions. 

"I um, well I," I ran down the hallways about to burst out in tears. Did he actually just pull a stunt like that even after all the nice things I've done for him?

I continued running down the long, breezy hallways, not really caring if I accidentally hit the other students by their lockers. As I was leaving the building, Michael walks in with headphones in and on full volume. Me being me, I ran head first into him and attacked him like a freight train. My eyes were so puffy and red that he didn't even yell At me and tell me to look where I was going. Instead, he actually looked at me in the eyes and asked if I was okay.

Slowing standing up, he takes my waist by wrapping his long arms around me.
"Michael, no, you guys don't even like me so stop pitying me." He looked taken back my comment but just keep waking me back outside.

"Jump up," he says quietly to me. He turns around so that his back is facing me.

"I don't think that's a good idea, I'm the size a whale Michael." Instead of trying to argue with me, he turns around and picks me up bridal style.

He got in trouble a while back with the school so now he has to park in the back lot by the dumpsters. When we get to his car, he places me down gently in the back seat and go around back to the truck. He comes back with a fluffy white blanket and tucks me in. With all my emotions built up, I stress my self out to the point of just going to sleep. Just before I do, I see him look back with concern and then start the car.

I wake up slightly when someone puts their arms around me and starts lifting me out of the car. Then it all came back to me like a punch in the face. Calum, the boy I had thought was incredible, had dragged me down like I was nothing more to him than a piece of dirt.

A/N: hey guys, I just wanted to thank you for all the comments and likes on this story. I didn't actually realize that people were reading it but I saw a few comments from people say to update so here it is. I'll try and get more but I'm not the best writer and I'm busy a lot of the time. Thank you so much!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2016 ⏰

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