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"Mind if we join you for lunch?" I look up to see Calum and his friends siting down on the grass around me. Shocked I just nod even though if I did speak up they wouldn't have left. I take my headphones out of my ears and listen to Michael and Ashton argue over a cookie that they took out of my lunch box.
"I found it first!"
"No I did! Just give me the damn cookie Ashton!"
"Why don't you just split it in half?" I weakly stated.
" oh my goodness she talks!" Luke exclaimed. We all laugh and it was weird to hear me laughing along with them for once. After school we planned on all hanging out and working on the project but I think they were scheming something. I of course had become the driver to all of them because as soon as I got into my car, they all piled in after one another. The car ride was fun; we all jammed out to the radio and it was really entertaining seeing the boys all singing in sync to teenage dirtbag.
"You guys should make a band?"
As soon as I said that they all looked at each other and broke into fits of laughter.
"What is so funny? It was just a joke."
"We literally have this conversation every night with each other." Michael states.
"Oh." Was all I could say. I would never think of any of them ever actually being a band. They can barely tie their own shoes let alone make actual music. I notice that Ashton is staying very quiet in the back seat but he's always laughing at our jokes. We get to Calum's and head inside up to his room. For a teenage boy his room is actually very clean. I sit at the desk and pull out my binder and starts to try and explain what I wanted to do with the project but of course he wasn't listening.
"Let's play a game?!" I hear Luke tell out of no where.
"What game?" Calum asks.
Ashton and Luke just smirk at each other. "Truth or dare". Yay. I'm so thrilled. We gather in a circle on the floor on the white fluffy carpet.
"Ashton, truth or dare?" Luke asks
"I dare you to kiss Taylor?"
I look over at Calum and he just shakes his head. All of a sudden I feel a pair of lips press hard onto mine and then after 15 seconds of a very weird kiss Ashton pulls away and goes back to his spot on the floor. It's Ashton's turn now; "Calum, truth or dare?"
"Truth." He coldly says.
"Do you like Taylor?"
He just sits there with a blank expression on his face. I think that I should I leave. I get up and rush to the door. Before I get to the door I have a hard tug on my arm and I turn around and I feel Calum's lips land on mine. It wasn't wet and sloppy like Ashton's kiss; it was sweet and quick. He looks up and then says sorry and with that I turn around and walk out into my car. I drive home in silence and wonder what the hell had just happened back there.

Bullied by Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now