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I was sitting in the back of the class waiting for my extremely obnoxious English teacher to let us all go to lunch and for me to go out to the park just outside the school and sit by myself while listening to music. Kids would always make fun of my taste in music; they would say that it was too punk or too old. I would always just ignore them and put my ear buds back in.
"Taylor!" Mr. Drine screamed at me across the room.
"Yes sir?" I said in the most mono tone voice I could.
"You're working with Calum okay?" But he said it more as a statement not a question. As soon at the words escaped his lips I almost choked on the air around me. I look over to see Calum and his friends smirking at me. The bright red haired boy next to him waved and winked at me and I just wanted to slaps him across his face for even just looking at me. Calum and Michael always hated my presence even though I have never done anything to them. They would call me names and pick on me and try to embarrass me in front of my whole class. But I didn't really care, I was so used to it that I barely even noticed their taunting calls to me. I really disliked Calum and the fact that now I have to work on a 2 month long project makes this even worse. I just wanted to stand up and run out of the class and go home and crawl into bed and cry.
3 more minutes till the end of class and I can go home, eat, and sleep. Then just as I was about to walk out the door I feel a strong arm pull me back.
"What the hell Calum!" I yelled at him.
"Sorry" he replied sarcastically "where do you want to work on this stupid project?" He snapped at me.
It wasn't like I had even said anything to him to make him mad, it was just his little "bad-boy" act. I could see right through him tho.
"I don't care, I guess your house, my mum doesn't really like having boys around." I really wish that I hadn't said that last part because he looked up at me and smirked. To say he was cute was an understatement. I just hated everything about him because he is always picking on me. Sometimes his friend Luke can take thing out of hand and has actually shoved me and hit my books out of my hand. He was the one who I actually could not stand! I walked out of class with him sheepishly behind me walking out to my car. As I put on my seat belt, all the doors to my car fly open and I see Calum, Michael, Luke, and Ashton climb in.
"Thanks hon" Ashton called out to me causing me to roll my eyes.
"Calum, where do you live?" I asked not knowing where to go.
"Just drive down Central street and turn right onto Eighth avenue. It the third one on the left." He replied without any tone. Luke just kept kicking my seat and finally I was so fed up that I turned around and smacked his leg. He looked up at me and smirked.
"You shouldn't have done that..." He says to me looking strait into my eyes.
I just keep driving until I pull up to a brick house that is fairly sized. We all hop out and I slowly drag me feet up to the front steps.
"Come on Tay, I don't bite." He snickers at me.

Bullied by Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now