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"Jump!" Calum yells at us. We land in the salty water and I quickly swim to the surface.

"That was so cool!" Ashton stumbled trying to get water out of his mouth. I looked around for the two other idiots and saw that they were already swimming toward the shore.

"Can we please come here everyday?" I whined not wanting to leave and go back. I fix my top before climbing out of the water because I didn't want to give an unexpected show to my friends. Could I even call them that? Were they actually my friends?

"Tay! Get your head out of the clouds and come play volleyball with us!" Calum yells over to me. I quickly jog over and go onto Luke's side. The teams were me, Luke, and Ashton; and the other team was Calum and Michael.

"You serve first!" Michael yells at my team.

After a good half hour it was starting to get dark and the sun was going down the horizon.

"Michael stop pouting! Get over it, you lost! It's that simple!" Luke yells over to the small, red haired boy.

"Fine but your buying me ice cream now!" Michael yells back at Luke with a wink. Me and the other boys just stood there awkwardly, waiting for the next activity.

"Let's go watch the sun set!" I call over my shoulder, already running up the slim trail again. I look back and see all the boys groaning and moaning about having to walk up the hill.

We were sitting on the edge of the ledge dangling our feet over the water. Calum was staring at me and every time I would look in his direction, he would turn red in the face and then turn away.

"Your really pretty!" Calum blurts out of no where. Michael and Luke start giggling and Ashton just looks embarrassed for his friend.

"I mean the sky looks pretty! Not you! I mean you are pretty! I mean I-" he looks down into his lap and won't look at me.

"Calum, it's fine. I'm flattered that you think I'm pretty." I say with a small smile. By now all the boys were in hysterics laughing about it.

"Shut up Luke! At least I'm not a little slut who keeps trying to fūck Michael every chance I get!" Calum yells very unexpectedly at the group. We all fall silent and don't know what to say to that.

"I have to be getting home soon, my um mom need me to feed the cat..." Ashton quickly says wanting this to be over as soon as possible. Luke and Michael are still standing there with their mouths open and jaws dropped to the floor.

"Guys I'm sorry. I didn't mean any of that and you know it." He say full of embarrassment. "Let's just pack up our stuff and head home."

We quickly put our things into the trunk of the car and climb in. Ashton's driving and Calum's up front. I'm stuck in the back between flame boy and daddy long legs. They keep giving each other this quick glance of worry. Maybe they actually do have a thing or they're so embarrassed about what Calum had said that they were scared of each other?

Bullied by Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now