Bonding Time

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Thank you for starting this story! If you're a new reader who has just finished Unexpected, I welcome you! And if you're a re-reader, I especially welcome you! I feel like I should warn my new readers that this story is the first one I've ever written that has made anyone cry. However, it was well received regardless of some of the angsty situations. After careful consideration, I think this is my favorite of the series so far. As always, leave a review if you can! I read every review, even on completed stories, and I appreciate them greatly! Enjoy!

Chapter One: Bonding Time

This is Berk.

It's home to dragon racing, snowball fights, and it has a charming view of the ocean. The best parts of it all are the kids. You see while most parents only have one at a time, Astrid and I have twins.

Toddlers: in a word? Adorable. Once Astrid and I survived the terrible twos, I thought my troubles were over. Nothing could have prepared me for what was to come. But then again, aren't surprises what parenthood is all about?

Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III was concentrating on his stitching. His saddle had a tendency to wear a bit after each use and it was only a matter of time before a few stitches snapped open. He'd had less time for flying over the past three and a half years but he didn't mind in the slightest. Even Toothless had grown fond of the tiny people running around his human's house.

And speaking of tiny people...

"Gotcha!" came a voice just below Hiccup's chair.

Hiccup looked down and was greeted by two bright blue eyes and a mop of vivid red hair. Tiny little arms wound around his prosthetic and came dangerously close to the mechanism that would pop it off and keep him from chasing his little boy.

"Yes you did!" Hiccup exclaimed, grinning down at his son. "And now I'm going to get you!"

Fearless Finn Haddock shrieked with glee and began running away from his father as fast as his little feet would take him. The saddle lay forgotten on the desk as Hiccup pursued the child, his laughter joining his son's as they ran through the village. People jumped out of the tiny boy's way as he ran, occasionally looking back and giggling at the sight of his father slowly gaining on him. At long last, Hiccup reached out and grabbed the child around the middle, lifting him off the ground.

"Told you I'd get you!" he laughed as he held the squirming boy aloft. "Now prepare for a heck of a tickling!"

Finn screamed with laughter as his father tickled his sides. Hiccup was careful to lower his son so that if he did manage to slip away from him, at least he wouldn't face a two foot drop.

"Daddy!" shouted another voice.

Hiccup looked up and immediately spotted Adrianna Miracle Haddock racing toward him, her green eyes sparkling and her wispy blonde hair flowing out behind her. Astrid followed, watching their daughter bolt toward her father and wrap her arms around his leg.

"Addie!" Hiccup exclaimed and, holding his struggling son with one arm, reached down and scooped up his daughter with the other.

The twins shrieked with delight as their father spun them around several times. When he placed them down, they were a little disoriented at first but then, exchanging mischievous glances, they began to push their father over. He fell backward dramatically and the toddlers wasted no time in jumping on him and pinning him down.

"Ahh! Help!" Hiccup shouted, grinning the whole time. "I'm trapped! Help me, mommy!"

But Astrid shook her head, laughing as she watched the spectacle right in the middle of the village square. Several people stopped to watch Hiccup roughhousing with his children, including Stoick and Gobber.

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