False Accusations

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Chapter Seven: False Accusations

Hiccup led the descent to Berserker Island, his heart drumming in his ears and his face beet red. He was going to kill Dagur for taking his little girl. All the Hooligans knew it so they tried to fly as close to him as they could to keep him from getting into a fight he couldn't win. Of course, most of them were livid as well. None of them had any reservations about flying all the way out to Berserker Island to rescue the youngest Haddock. Adrianna loved engaging anyone in conversation; so many of them had gotten to know her and thought she was a wonderful little girl. Certainly not one who deserved this kind of treatment (as if any child did).

There was something a bit off about Berserker Island. All of them saw it the moment it came into view but they were of one mindset so it didn't register as much. It was quiet and calm. Snoggletog lights twinkled below them and very few people were outside. But one person in particular was outside and Hiccup recognized him at once. When Toothless was close to the ground, the young father leaped off his back, receiving many surprised shouts from the Hooligans behind him, and tackled the Berserker chief to the ground. Both men tumbled and rolled in the dirt for a few moments from the force of the collision, but Hiccup managed to pin Dagur down with his knees on the man's shoulders.

"WHERE IS SHE?" he demanded, grabbing a knife and putting it to Dagur's throat. "WHERE'S ADRIANNA?"

"What?" Dagur seemed to have been taken completely by surprise. He blinked several times, as if unsure of whether or not he was dreaming this. "Who's Adrianna?"

"Don't play stupid! You took my daughter and so help me, if you don't start talking now, I will kill you!" Hiccup spat, his nose almost touching Dagur's.

"Congratulations, Hiccup, you would be the first in your family line to have a girl. Now get off me!" the larger man bellowed, trying to wiggle out from under him.

Hiccup leaned in close to Dagur's left ear. "I have twins and you know it."

"Oh two girls? Yeah, color me less surprised." Dagur chortled, seemingly not afraid of the knife pressing up against his windpipe.

"Stop it! Stop playing dumb! My son was your target but I guess you sneaked through the wrong window! Trying to take out the future chief? Well it didn't work! I will kill you with my bare hands and burn your village to ash if you don't tell me where my daughter is!" Hiccup shouted, his face red with rage.

"Okay let me get this straight, you have twins, a boy and a girl, and you think I took your daughter?" Dagur let out a bark of laughter. "How stupid do you think I am? I lost three teeth last time I pulled that."

"They don't call you deranged for nothing!"

"Deranged, yes. Stupid, no!"

By this time, the Hooligans had landed and were standing in a semicircle around the two men. Stoick quietly stepped forward and placed a hand on Hiccup's shoulder.

"Son, I think he's telling the truth..."

"No, this is exactly what he wants! I am not leaving this sorry spit of land until I have my daughter. And if so much as one of her hairs is singed or cut, I will leave this gods-forsaken rock in a smoke heap." Hiccup hissed, his teeth clenched.

Dagur rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I kind of picked up on that. Good thing I don't have her!"

A spark of fear appeared in Hiccup's eyes for just a second but his expression remained unchanged. "What the Hel did you do to her?"

"Nothing! That's what I've been telling you!"

"Hiccup..." Stoick gently squeezed his shoulder. Hiccup flinched and pushed the blade on Dagur's throat harder, making his friends and family tense. They prayed they wouldn't see Hiccup's first kill in those next few seconds. "Hiccup, he's telling the truth. Don't do this..."

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